An open letter to Waiting, and those she misled.

by RedhorseWoman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey Red,

    Women the world over dress up for one reason - to annoy other women.

    A lesson to be learned here. Stop annoying me. I gave you a colorful reputation, must you continue? I swear (a lot and often, btw.)


  • waiting

    Hey Red....

    Let me say this.....if reincarnation is true, then Waiting was the evil stepsister to my Cinderella (sigh).

    I just got that, btw. I would be Cinderella, fool.


  • RedhorseWoman
    I would be Cinderella, fool.

    Would not. And I can prove it. We have a woodstove....I sweep ashes even in my present life. I have a horse, and there are frequently mice hanging around. We even have places nearby that grow pumpkins. There's also the little matter of the glass slipper....which is on a shelf in my bedroom.


  • waiting

    Hey Red,

    Well, I never liked that story anyway. If I were to engage in such simplicity - I would be the evil, beautiful in a bitchy way, Queen.

    Wait a minute.......that's sleeping beauty and all the dwarfs. Forget it.

    It's late and I'd rather tell dumb quotes. Not good at this stuff, have to think too hard.

    When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police, but then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering about who this person was and why he had deer horns. Jack Handey

    I excel at quotes, Cinderella. Keep the slipper, watch for slippery stuff.


  • rollercoaster

    O.K., here's my intro., I am a JW in good standing, but inactive, for some reason, I can't make myself go to meetings. hmmmm... anyway, been in since 83, and am a little disappointed in the lack of sincere love and understanding in the organization.
    I am single, with one beautiful child. I'm older than 44. I have a lot of questions and at this time, no answers.


  • unanswered

    rollercoaster-nice to have you here.

  • waiting

    Welcome rollercoaster,

    I'm over 44 also, have 3 kids, all grown. It's nice to have you here. Enjoy your visit, no matter how long it is.


  • trevor

    I'm completely lost - must be a woman thing!

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