Reasoning From the Scriptures - are they working on an update?

by insearchoftruth 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    A couple of questions on this, firstly, is there a pdf of this book available??

    Secondly, is anyone here aware of an update, due to the changing of the doctrine, this book is starting to become sprinkled with 'old light'.......

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    I don't know if they're officially working on an update. "Reasoning" is terribly out-of-date for dubs to be taking to the door. It still has "this generation" in reference to 80 years from 1914 repeatedly through the book. That puts it over a decade behind in "old light". Even the WT Library CD still has the unchanged text.

    It's surprising that they haven't updated it since the book has no pictures or other design that would need to be changed. It would be a lot easier to update than their songbook.

    Perhaps they are expecting even more "new light" in the near future, so their waiting for a "final edition". HA!

  • Farkel


    :so their waiting for a "final edition

    The only "final edition" for the WTS would be when they turn out the last light in the last building at Headquarters.

    Everything else is quite fluid.


  • insearchoftruth

    When my wife was talking about the last days, I was able to pick up her Reasoning book and read the chapter where they have the generation definition I think two changes ago.

    I think they should start to refer to their thinking as progressive light........since it is continually changing!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And perhaps the most glaring omission is any coverage of the Noachian flood:

    Householder: "The Bible can't be taken literally. In the story of Noah's flood, all the different animals of the world fit in the ark. Every animal outside, died. That would be impossible. It couldn't be just two bears, it would take dozens of each of the Polar, Brown, Black, Grizzly, Panda, and Koala bears to ensure survival of each type. And how could an animal like the kangaroo get to the ark and then from the ark to Australia without there being any evidence of such an animal living in Europe or Asia or Africa at any time in history. You don't believe they jumped from the ark all the way to a remote island, do you?"

    Billy: "I have this publication called Reasoning from the Scriptures whick answers ALL such Bible questions. (flipping pages) Oh, there's no section explaining the flood. Maybe in the index... Oh, here's a reference... (flipping more pages) Here it says that just as the flood killed every wicked person in Noah's day, Jehovah is going to kill everyone at Armageddon very soon now."

    Householder: "Uh, that doesn't answer my question."

    Billy: "$#!&, uh, I mean, shoot. I'll have to do some research on that question and get back to you."

    Householder: "Yeah, right."


    Of course, none of their publications answer such questions. "Reasoning" doesn't even touch it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I imagine it's in the works, but they probably are busy debating/arguing over many of the things that should and should not be in such a new publication. I imagine it's in the works because they would only need to make them for the "publishers" and would not need to make enough to "place."

    I could see this being one of the first publications to only be available at the DC. "Go and get one, miss it and miss out."

  • civicsi00

    Given that their doctrines change every few years, I bet they're still waiting on changing a few more things before releasing a new Reasoning book. Once they iron out whatever it is that's holding them back, they'll publish one. Just my opinion...

  • Atlantis

    1989 Reasoning from the Scriptures--PDF! Bookmarked Searchable Reduced Click the link at the bottom of the next page. N.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks so much Atlantis....nice to have stored in an 'electronic library'

  • Atlantis


    Very welcome!


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