Halloween- When you were a JW did you answer the door?

by IWillBeDubbedNoMore 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    Do you have the lights on and carrying out your normal activities? Did you have the lights on when you were in?

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    We used to hide. Lights off, no talking, no whispering. We just dreaded the DEVIL coming to our door. Taht was when we were little.

    My wife's dad to this very day will take yellow hazard tape and wrap it around the trees in his yard to BAR the path of the Devil to his door.

  • Outaservice

    One person I heard talking about 'child cruelty' said that his folks always dressed him as a Jehovah's Witness every Halloween night and ........No One would come to the door! Talk about 'cruelty', that is it!


  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    Tired of Hypocrisy: Hazard tape is really over the top. I haven't seen anyone go that far. It is sad how much fear is put into children's minds because of the nonsense the Society spits out.

    Outaservice: LOL It should be considered cruelty

  • babygirl75

    We had to have the lights off so no one would come to the door. That was okay though, I was hoping no one would. I remember how embarrased I felt when if they did come, hearing my mom say "we don't celebrate". I was worried about looking like a freak in front of my school mates.

  • beksbks

    We just kept the front of the house completely dark. I used to sit in the dark and watch them all running around. It was my favorite holiday, because I could at least see it happening.

    One year for some reason my mom decided to open the door to them. She gave them walnuts!!! Whole walnuts. I sat in the dark.

  • Farkel

    When I was a kid, I had to answer the door and stuff either an Awake! or Watchtower in the kids bags, while telling them something like we don't celebrate Halloween and these magazines will explain why.

    Of course, the magazines we handed out always had an article or two on Halloween, which gently explained how demonized it was, and how demonized anyone was who celebrated it, and how greedy the little children were for wanting all that candy, and how trick or treat is really "juvenile blackmail" and how our loving God Jehovah will blast their little guts out and splatter them all over the place for celebrating that disgusting Holiday which was put in place by a skanky old Whore, Babylon the Grape.

    Then, I would say as they left, "Y'all have a nice night now, ya hear?"

    Jehovah was proud of me.


  • Marlene

    lol Farkel. If we had been home, I suspect my mom would've made us do the same thing.

    I recall one Halloween falling on a Friday (our service meeting night chosen to prevent the cong youths from partying)...my mom left a note on our front door that said "No Treats". When we returned home from the meeting the note was torn down and our front porch covered in fake blood (or maybe real blood knowing how pagan little kids are!) Good memories.

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    babygirl75: It was bad enough not celebrating, but the feel of embarrassment of your schoolmates finding out was even worse

    beksbks: I would peek out through the blinds to see what they were hearing.

    Farkel: Wow ... I think I would have rather crawled into a hole and died than to have done that. You were a brave little soldier.

    Marlene: I guess the "No Treat" demanded the "Trick" LOL

  • Cicatrix

    It wasn't an issue for me when I was JW, because I lived in the country on a private road.I would leave my porch light off, though, as trained, and probably wouldn't have answered my door.

    I live in the country still, but on a main road.They don't come to my door now, even when the light is on, as most families stay in town where they can walk from house to house. I buy candy every year, but make sure to get stuff my family likes, because we are the ones who will be eating it, lol.

    That movie irritated my when I was JW, because they had that little boy talk about being afraid of going to hell, lol.

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