What Did You Have For Dinner? Thread

by Yizuman 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Grilled fresh Halibut, mint Tabouli and steamed carrots, with a very nice Sirah. Sliced fresh tomatoes and Walla Walla sweet onions with a splash of rice wine vinegar.

  • BizzyBee

    Very hot weather here! Delicious Greek chicken from the crock pot (EVOO, garlic, lemon, oregano), orzo, steamed broccoli, green salad with tomatoes and feta. A crisp chardonnay. Too good. Mr Bee had seconds and groaned, with compliments to beksbks.

  • Leolaia

    zarco....Jeez, that's a real stunner! I love that place! I just had dinner tonight with the people we had lunch at Tadich's with (two Japanese families, one visiting from Tokyo), at some very fancy steak restaurant in SF. Seriously overate. Had split pea soup, then steak with fries, then creme brulee (which wasn't that good). The young boy got a hamburger and it turned out to be a 3/4 lb. burger -- it was enormous ... and he managed to finish it! I guess he's learning to eat American. ;)

    And yeah BTW, I am seriously behind in my mail -- thank you for your gracious invitation to dinner, and maybe it might be doable sometime this fall when things settle down for me more....do you guys ever get to come down to the South Bay too?

  • Cicatrix

    Homemade broccoli cheese soup with broccoli we grew in our garden

  • zarco

    Leolaia - We love eating in the City. We have not been to the Tadich Grill although a couple of our favorite places are in the Financial District. We get in a rut and end up going to the same 4 or 5 places. Now that we are not so busy on Saturday mornings we get to enjoy the Farmer’s Market, both the one in the City and in our little town.

    It would have been fun to watch the young boy eat a 3/4 lb. burger. I am sure he will have a story to tell his friends when he gets back home. We have a special event coming up and we are going to the House of Prime Rib. It will be my first time there. I will probably eat too much, oh well.

    We do get to the South Bay from time to time. If traffic is light we are really close. Let’s try to get together in the fall when your schedule eases up. You are welcome up our way and we are more than happy to head down your way.

    All the best,

  • coffee_black

    Last night...

    mesquite wings, red bliss potato salad and roasted mushrooms and sweet mini peppers with olive oil and garlic. A glass of merlot for me...a beer for my honey.


  • Gregor

    Moth #1 - "What did you have for Dinner?"

    Moth #2 - "Thread"

  • Leolaia

    zarco....Tadich's is awesome -- I always have their Crab Louie but they have great fish dishes too ... and the sourdough is great. My favorite restaraunt in SF no longer exists -- Cafe Marimba, ever been there down on Chestnut? It was an Aztec restaurant with real character and great moles. Yank Sing in the financial district has the best dim sum around. Nearer where I live, I like this Korean BBQ place in Santa Clara on El Camino that is all-you-can-eat; I've only been there once, but was good eating. The Mongolian place nearby is great too. Further north, Hunan Home's is my favorite Chinese restaurant and Pizz'a Chicago is a wonderful deep-dish place. I'm afraid I don't know much about restaurants in the East Bay, as I rarely head out that way. I heard that the scum-of-the-earth founder of Pasand's is out of prison; I can't believe that place is still in business.

    I'll let you know how things develop in October and November...

  • Farkel

    :What Did You Have For Dinner?

    Top Raman au Gratin with a side of deep fried watermelon rind. Yummy.


  • beksbks

    Hey Leolaia, have you tried "dark dining"?

    Did you ever happen to go to an Italian place out in the Richmond called Cafe Riggio? That was my favorite.

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