God confused peoples language so they couldn't build Babel....a load of crap!

by Witness 007 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

    Ona side note, IF we all came from a common ancestor in a common area, where did all these very different languages come from?

    All the different languages came from the WBT$..

    Thier bulidings are too tall..

    Many Bethelites are sent to the 4th floor,to instantly learn a new Language..


  • PSacramento


    Well, that makes sense !

  • startingover

    It seems that when that was written, people actually believed you could build a structure that would reach into the "heavens". Of course they didn't have airplanes, so the writer's viewpoint was narrow by today's standards.

    Imagine a god so small minded that he would have to confuse them because if he didn't anything was possible for them just as the bible says. If there is a god and this is anything more than just a story, and if we are to believe the bible as his written word, it's obvious man doesn't need god.

  • DaCheech

    we sent people to the moon, and they came back with the same language?

    wow, jehoba changes his rules quick

  • Finally-Free

    So I wonder what he's going to do about the international space station. It's even higher up. Will he confuse the languages even more?

    I doubt it.


  • steve2

    For me, I opened the Bible and was impressed by the opening account about Jehovah God creating the heavens and the earth - until I got to the bit about the talking snake. I was doing okay until then. I pretty much got my head around God saying, "Let there be light". Hey, who am I to question what a super powerful being can or cannot do. But a talking snake??!

    Then I realized: The three major world religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - all take as gospel the story about the talking snake. Suddenly, it all made sense: The crazy, magical, death-inviting thought processes that inform these "great" religions.

  • DaCheech

    those races at the international station will communicate with sign language

  • ninja

    what about this picture of the tower of babel by breughel?

  • ninja

    of which the E U building at strasbourg is a copy

  • ninja

    the "unfinished" tower

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