Have You Had A "Superconscious" Experience?

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    According to some, we humans have a Conscious Mind, a Subconscious Mind and , perhaps, a Superconscious Mind. It might be otherwise called the "Higher Self".

    I read up on this subject years ago because I occasionally have experiences that suggest that some vastly more clever intelligence helps me (whenever it feels so inclined!).

    I can remember getting into trouble at work and , out of nowhere, coming up with some split second insight that saved me - so much so, that I had to ask myself, "where did that come from?". I have experienced synchronicities that appear to have a millions to one chance of occuring. I have foreknown events that frightened me ( and came true).

    I have had dreams that instruct me about very specific investments that I have never heard of ( which prove profitable).

    These experiences are nearly always unbidden and unexpected. Try to make them happen and they disappear. Ignore them and they return, as if to tease me. I keep feeling as if whatever this is, it isn't really me but something that shows up now and then.

    I can understand that such experiences can be given a religious interpretation according to whatever sect you like. Muslim, Mormon, Jew, Catholic or whatever, you may be tempted to think "Well, God favors my religion" instead of concluding that these experiences can happen to anyone of any religion or no religion at all.

    I would be interested in learning about any experiences you have had that are similar - and have you found any way to make this stuff happen more reliably? I tried to study Patanjali ( if you know what that is) but I can't make much sense of it.


  • BabaYaga

    metatron said:

    - and have you found any way to make this stuff happen more reliably?

    Yes. Meditation is the key.

    I like the terms you are using, conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious. In discussing mindful meditation, you will also hear the terms "ego" and "monkey mind" for the endless chatter and overwhelming emotions of the mind. When one quiets the mind (by regular meditation practice) more of the "super-consciousness" may be heard.

    Meditation does not have to have any religious leanings or significance whatsoever. It is, in fact, being used rather open-mindedly in modern medical settings, to assist in healing and to change one's reaction to physical pain.

    Cool topic.

  • metatron

    It's true that meditation tends to generate this stuff. Supposedly, Buddhist monks are told to ignore miraculous things that happen and just keep working on enlightenment ( huh?, no comprendo, Senor).

    It can take a lot of practice to go for several minutes without uttering any words to yourself in your head! I sometimes wonder, given that I'm doing the internal talking, is it also me that's listening and telling me to 'shut up'?

    And how can you securely "know" that you have a certain fact in your memory but cannot produce it for examination? Example: you watch a movie and see a familiar actor or actress. You know that you 'know' their name but can't recall it immediately. After an hour or so, the name pops into your head and you say "Yes, that's it!".

    I do think that further research would show that early Christians and Jews did lengthy contemplative prayer that Witnesses ( and others) know nothing about. And weird stuff happened thereby. Like Jesus in the wilderness.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Guardian angels. How else would they communicate with you without scaring the piss and vinegar out of ya?

  • lurk3r

    Hi there Metatron.

    Just curious if you have ever have experienced what some call "Kundalini" somewhere along the way in your life at all?

  • BabaYaga

    Metatron said:

    I sometimes wonder, given that I'm doing the internal talking, is it also me that's listening and telling me to 'shut up'?

    Ha. Well, according to some schools of thought, this is "the witness" in meditation. That "person"who notices your chatter inside your mind is indeed what some would consider to be the higher self. Once you notice the chatter, the chatter has already changed by being noticed.

  • metatron

    nope, no kundalini. From what I hear, it can be very unpleasant. Like a panic attack you can't stop.

    Oh, and listen seriously to Wicca and other folks about avoiding trying to "curse" people. It can boomerang in very nasty and oddly synchronistic ways. At least that was my experience and it was so awful I'm unlikely to ever try it again.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Yes. Meditation is the key.

    I'm really interested in this. If you don't mind, how exactly do you begin?

    By that I mean, how do you start off? You're life's a major downer, everything's going wrong, so what do you focus on to begin the meditation?


  • Satanus

    'Supposedly, Buddhist monks are told to ignore miraculous things that happen and just keep working on enlightenment ( huh?, no comprendo, Senor).'

    I can explain that, or ty. The enlightenment mediatation is different than any focuss mediatation. It has none of those phenomana that you described. For any thoughts, feelings, emotions, one always asks who is having this, or one may try to ascertain from where it comes. Invariably, it is not coming from the one who asks or tries to ascertain. Hence, it is not coming from the real ME. In doing that method, all phenomana dissappear. They do not come from the target of the meditation.

    I believe that those phenomana arise from the communal subconscious, or as jung put it, the collective unconscious. It's a place not as deep, or as uncluttered as the enlightenment mediation. The enlightenment mediation aims for the source, the ONE, the ALL. The other mediations stop the surface mind chatter, so that a deeper consciousness is reached, It may be that those phenomana that you mentioned come from a deeper you, or they may result from an interaction of the deeper you w the collective subconscious, or just a few individual within the collective, or even just one.

    Example, the investment that you mentioned. That message may have come from an individual or group of individuals involved in many different ways in whatever the investment is. They are sending, you are receptive, more conscious, so that your conscious mind does not distract you from the message recieved. Those senders are likely not meditators. It doesn't matter. They do it subconsciously, without knowing it. Thing is EVERYONE on the planet is connected through the collective subconscious. Plus, possibly animals and other stuff.

    If you like what's happening for you, there is nothing wrong w persuing it, or staying at that level. It is a similar level that a lot of psychics play, and witchdoctors practice. It can be a lot of fun. You can also learn a lot about people. I spent about 10 yrs, there.


  • Mary

    OK....I've rarely ever had anything weird happen, but this one instance sticks out in my mind for some reason:

    When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I was teaching my youngest brother how to ride a tricycle. We lived out in the country and we had a very long laneway at the side of our house which is where we all learned to ride a bike. My brother was only about 3 at the time and off we went. Anyway, we were waaaay down the lane when somehow, his foot got entangled in the front spokes of the tricycle. He was screaming and crying and we were too far away from the house for me to run back and I remembered just becoming very panicky. Anyway, (this is the weird part), it's almost like a voice said "break the spokes on the wheel" (believe me---I was too dumb to think of that on my own at the time), so I reached down and broke the ones so that I could get his foot out.

    Of course my father demanded to know who wrecked the bike and he didn't believe me when I told him what had happened. The spokes were pretty damn sturdy and I didn't just bend them----I broke them. Don't ask me how I did it, because I doubt I could even do it now.

    Maybe it was nothing.....but that always stuck with me........not sure if this is what you were looking for.....

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