What exactly IS 'Evil'?

by gubberningbody 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Humans are still very much predators, and it is woven strongly into our genes. Science is not even an objective study... it is only about how the forces around US affect US for the most part. For humans, their existence is the sole issue of concern in this world. Therefore, alll things that we label as "evil" are basically just somehow extremely injurious to our peaceful domination of the land. Things are "good" if they promote our continued peaceful and aggressive lifestyle of predation of the land. There is no true "good" or "evil" in nature. Such "ethical" concepts are adopted to suit us in our framing of our collective virtual reality.


  • RubaDub

    deff: Evil

    Having to go to the bathroom with yourself on a Monday morning after a Sunday of Football, Nachos, Salsa, Hot Wings, Cheese Dip and Beer.

    Rub a Dub

  • ColdRedRain

    "Good" and "Evil" are simply ingrained social mores that we developed to prevent sociopathic people from taking resources as their own. "Good" and "Evil" are very real. If there's a lot of "evil" in the world, society collapses. If there's "good" in the world, society prospers. In the end, good will always win over evil because it's within our instincts and our best interests to purge harmful people out of our society.

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