Help needed - How to debate a knowledgeable jw to help my jw girlfriend

by bohm 30 Replies latest members private

  • mkr32208

    Bullshit, and NO NO NO NO NO! Don't get into 'prove god picked you' or any of that crap! These are the arguments of theist, people who believe the bible and must therefore use their own circular reasoning to both disprove the witnesses and prove their arguments. That's a lot harder than what YOU have to do!

    See arguing with a witness is easy for an atheist. It's harder for a theist who believes in the bible you're an atheist you don't because as an atheist you know that the bible is CRAP! So don't attack the witnesses attack the BIBLE. It's an idiot book written by morons. Don't get involved in the semantics of scripture go right for the whole enchilada! Go after the flood, go after the sun standing still go after the temple go after the earth being flat and ROUND (not a sphere) or rabbits chewing the cud, or the earth only being 6000 years old go after the OBVIOUS lies and inconsistencies. The second they say "now what the bible means here..."

    Just say "DONE" and walk away. As soon as they start spinning say something like 'you are twisting, I can READ, this scripture right HERE says god created the earth in 6 days if you say he didn't or that 'days' didn't mean a day then you're saying god is a liar or that the book is flawed and if the book is wrong or flawed then it's not the word of god.'

    I mean it's hard to argue that the scripture says 'on that day' and god REALLY intended to say 'on that 100 million years' and then god just didn't notice in editing? WTF?

    I mean the way they suck you in is on the assumption that the bible is the word of god. Search for atheist bible commentary and read a few and load up. They will RUN away from you.

    All you have to do is say 'prove that pile of crap in your hand came from god...' This is an easy money argument!

  • moshe

    mkr- that is a good plan, except most Bible believers won't sit still very long for a proper dose of that medicine. I agree, the global flood of Noah is a good argument to focus on, since Jesus himself put his stamp of authenticity on that event. I remember after I left JW's, I called a professor up in Pittsburgh who had headed up one of the first Greenland ice core projects in the early 90's. He really did talk to me- for almost an hour and I decided his science was sound and the ice sheet was 10's of thousands of years older than Noah's flood. Obviously ice will melt after 40 days of rain. He also clued me in on the sediment cores from arctic lakes that were over 12,000 years old. The only way to rock a JW, is to talk about a topic they don't have any WT sound bites ready to regurgitate back at you. I can actually agree with JW's that the whole triune G-d teaching is silly and has pagan roots. I also think that the end times, teaching is nonsense, too. We are living in the best of times right now, well, until the oil runs out, anyaway.

  • bohm

    Black sheep: I have enjoyed reading your posts so im glad for your response. if there is anything i have learned from my past months here its that im a noob. i wont change any of his beliefs, not even make a tiny dent in any of it, even if im right and he is wrong. But that’s not what im trying to accomplish. My current belief with regards to jehovahs witnesses thought system is that it is unhealthy in the sense that it is not builds on facts, that it requires the person that hold it to be unaware of all facts, and had it learned and maintained by a certain way of thinking and relating to evidence (what Stephen Hassan calls mindcontrol). Those a hard accusations, but I believe that if this is the case, it should shine though a conversation with a witness to an outside observer (my girlfriend) – that’s why Im a bit reluctant to make the conversation very singular. It’s a bit of a pickle since on one hand im well aware that the conversation is very difficult to keep on track without getting distracted into unrelated subjects, but on the other hand, I really want her to see that if one really try to seek the truth in an objective, orderly and not out-of-the-arguments-book (I have read it) kind of way, the truth will become obvious that the jw way of arguing does not lead to the truth.

    Nevertheless… I really hope to talk about 1914 in some way or another. And I would absolutely love a good discussion over the claim “mutations does not increase information” through an information-theoretical perspective J

    Dave: Like I said to black sheep… if there is really no version of wt teaching which is clear of circular reasoning, that is properly the worst kind of problem I could possibly uncover, I think. It’s about finding a way to do it.. I have asked her to study the bible with me – just the two of us reading some meaningful portion of it (from the new testimony – last time I read the old testimony I couldn’t help making fun of all the crazy shit god did and that was kind of bad for her faith…) , without any commentaries or anything.. im pretty sure there are some good philosophical things in it and I really think it would be good for us both. However, as I wrote – she is *Really* tired of all bible based stuff right now.

    OnTheWayOut: I very much hope you are right and I can do it in a way that keeps his attention… J .

    Liberty, Td: interlectually, the 4 single most indefensible things about jw faith in my oppinion is blood, 1914(1919, 607), the way they are taught to treat and seek evidence and evolution/the ark. Of these, 1914 (and jesus selection in 1919) is the thing I would LOVE it to be about… thanks to scholar I feel quite confident on the range of arguments there is for, and especially the letter exchange some guy put online with bethel about 607 has me convinced that it’s a rotten doctrine. However, if he feels its not central to the faith… and that’s something I really need to check out… I think it would be dangerous to force the conversation in that direction, because it might leave an impression in my girlfriend that im not really seeking for the truth. Actually this is my current best idea – simply to have a conversation about how to find the truth, what evidence one should look at, and no real argument, but I digress. Now we are at it, I invite reianaa to answer any of the many questions I have asked her on certain posts on evolution, but we can all dream for things we properly wont get J -- TD: the nwt, the torture stick, Christmas, saying cheers… I totally agree there is nothing to gain by going into that stuff for a person who is not a *lot* more knowledgeable than me.

  • bohm

    moshe, mkr: ice core samples, evolution, the ark - this is where *I* think the evidence are. from my perspective its simple, there are thousands of different religions, to single out one religion to be the truth requires *tremendeous* positive proof, in case of jws version of christianity, there is a huge body of evidence against. If i should argue my clone, thats all i would go into.

    However -- i think there is a lot more to it for someone who is "in", and i need to deal with that somehow... i want to give him proper time to defend creation/the flood if he likes - i really feel any more investigation on those subjects will only add to the body of evidence i have accumulated- but this is not what my girlfriend want me to focus on with this guy, rather its his arguments. that makes it tricky, since trying to force the conversation will not seem to accomplish anything to calm her mind.

    Moche: thanks for your comments - but really, mention something to get her disfellowshipped???? thats HER descision, and quite frankly, i would recommend her against it and do whatever i could to prevent her from becoming it untill she is abselutely sure on a descision to become disfellowshipped (should she arrive at that conclusion).

  • bohm

    reinaa: Well... my problem is actually not so much about the light getting brighter thing because you know, we can properly both agree that its okay that you get an better/different understanding of something over time, but its bad if you change your mind all the time. so its a bit of a question where on that scale jw teaching exist and thats a to big question to toss around in this thread...

    A far greater gripe that keeps haunting me is that you got the jw teaching on one side, and you got some critisism on the other. and its a bit like one side - the jws- dont really give a darn about what the other side says except to say that they are wrong and if they are persistent or have effective proof it got to do with the devil, apostates or a mean spirit in the world. And that might be true, but i think you can apreciate that if an outsider gets that impression, without believing in the teachings of the watchtower at first, it gives him a pretty strange feeling. and thats what i got - i feel there is a gazillion very important questions that i simply dont get an answer to. that might be because i ask the wrong people, or because i am being unreasonable - BUT PLEASE CORRECT ME THEN!. What questions? well i wrote you a couple here: . If you want more: on my first post on that thread there were links to some other pages full of other issues. thats kind of where the dog is burried from my perspective, and thats what i feel noone inside the watchtower touch in a meaningfull way. but PLEASE!. if i am totally wrong - just try to answer the simple question i posted on that thread. i will be happy to supply additional details as you need it.

  • mkr32208
    except most Bible believers won't sit still very long for a proper dose of that medicine

    Isn't that a GOOD thing? Run away lil JW, run away!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It sounds like you don't need The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories, but I will drop a link to it anyway.

    The reason I ask about the king list is because their 1914 & 1919 dates are supported by their 607 date which they calculate from The beginning of Neb's reign. Kick the sand out from under that, and the whole house of cards is supported by fairy dust. The trick is to force them to do the research to find the 'mistake'. Their trick is to get you to listen to all of the assumptions that they use to calculate 607. "We will discuss that after you show me a correct king list!".

    Believe it or not, I was just interrupted by a phone call from a JW family member who was making noises about me getting back into the cult. Within two minutes I was asking them for a king list. They claimed that they had done it in the past. I claimed they hadn't, because if they had they would know what I was talking about. I suggested they make up a list and give me a copy. "I'm no good at maths!" I called bulls1t. "This is the simplest maths there is, addition, 1+1=2, it's the first maths any kid learns at school! Get yourself the lengths of the reigns of these kings, add them up and give me a call. My conscience wouldn't let me go knocking on people's doors telling them that Jerusalem fell in 607 when I know that the householders could trot out evidence that it didn't, using literature from my own religion, and I would have to agree with them." They decided that it was best if we didn't talk about religion.

  • bohm

    black sheep: that link is GOLDEN! i think, by far, humor is the single most threatening thing to (fanatic) religion. lot of really good and sharp observations - i still want to stay clear of a straight-on bible study, but suddenly a bible study of the OT dont look that bad ;-) .

    the part about math and the king list is actually something i find interesting. My girlfriend showed me a print-out from an awake article (from ca. mid 90's) where an astrophysics guy described how he had seen his wife study with the jehovahs witness and then, while he tried to blow holes in the belief system, he found it so convincing he converted. the usual stuff. the INTERESTING part was he has a degree in mathematics and yet he said he wanted to examine the 1914 as a MATHEMATICAL question! its very difficult not to get the impression they do not want people to see it for what it really is, not a biblical or mathematical issue, but historical.

    I have yet to read the gentile times reconsidered.. but its definately on my list. what im really curious about is how many lines of evidence in SUPPORT of 607 he could mention (regardless of weater he think they are true or not).

    snif, now i miss scholar ;-) .

  • Heaven

    My girlfriend is a babtized jw, i am an atheist.

    bohm... I don't know you or your girlfriend, however, at some point, this will, in all likelihood, become a problem. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is a destructive, religious cult. The best thing you can do for your GF is to get her some exit-counseling.

    I agree with purplesofa. At some point, she is going to be made to choose between you and her religion if she is unsuccessful in converting you. All JWs have the goal of converting people even when they say they are not attempting this.

    I personally wouldn't waste my time talking to an Elder or any other JW. As soon as the Elder discovers you are 'atheist' and cannot be converted, your GF will be 'shepherded' that you are unsuitable material as a mate. If she sticks by you, she risks being disfellowshipped which involves being shunned by every JW she knows.

    If your GF has her own questions and uncertainties, they will not be answered by the JWs/WTS. Since she is baptized, she cannot question her 'Mother' organization. If she is trying to do this through you, then this should send warning signals to you right away about this group.

    One suggestion may be to ask her to seek another religious voice outside of the JWs to see what they say. Perhaps seek the help of a true Bible scholar. I wish you much luck ... but knowing what I know about this organization, you're in for a struggle in life.

  • Tuesday

    OK, so here's the thing only talk about what YOU KNOW. Talk about what you're knowledgeable on. I would probably start the conversation right off the bat by saying that you're skeptical of the bible so you don't want to play bible ping-pong. Your most important question is WHY, always ask him to qualify his answer.

    For instance let's say you're using the 144,000 being the only group who goes to heaven. Ask him to read you the scripture that says that, he'll read you probably 2 scriptures. One says the number is sealed, the other describes the 144,000 which includes describing them as male, jewish virgins. Here's where you ask him to qualify, why is the 144,000 number the only part of the group that is not symbollic. Why do the scriptures saying the number is sealed mean that it's that specific number, couldn't it be sealed as in God knows the amount of people that are in the group? Isn't revelation riddled with symbollism and the author used multiples of 12 to show divine completeness, why would he use a multiple of 12 here if it weren't symbollic? Has it been confirmed by anyone that only 144,000 people are going to heaven? How do you know you're right with this interpretation?

    Another example would be about teaching truth, ask something like: You say it's incredibly important to believe and teach truth in order to be saved correct? Have you at any point ever had to change a teaching? Would it be reasonable for me to say it's possible you could be teaching something wrong right now? If Armageddon came tomorrow while JWs were teaching a wrong teaching, why would their mistakes be acceptable to God and other religion's wrong teachings not be acceptable to God? Do you think God shows that kind of favoritism?

    If it helps at all I have a channel on youtube with a bunch of questions you can ask, you'll probably be familiar with the stance I made on them. Just remember to avoid specifically the bible especially since you don't believe in it. It takes away some power, and specifically ask questions and explanations. Here's my channel address

    If there's anything else I can help with let me know.

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