Spent all day yesterday working on the plumbing in my sister's house

by John Doe 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    And forgot what a crappy job that is. I:

    1. replaced broken handle and fixed very fast leak on her bathtub
    2. replaced faucet, p-trap, and supply lines on her bathroom sink
    3. repaired and unclogged garbage disposal
    4. repaired and unclogged dishwasher

    None of these were a big deal, but I just hate getting into rancid drains and water--the smell doesn't come off. Yuck. In the end though, I did close to $1,000 of work for her for $68 in parts. So I suppose it was worth it.

  • Gregor

    John Doe, I take back everything I ever said about you. You are a good guy to do that for your sister. Let's have a beer sometime. You bring the beer, I'll bring the nuts.

  • mrsjones5

    Cool, It's nice to have a man help around the house. Hubby has some repairs to do also. We had called the landlord but his repair guy is for the birds.

  • snowbird


  • mkr32208

    The title of this thread sounds soooooo dirty....

  • Heaven

    I just hate getting into rancid drains and water--the smell doesn't come off. Yuck.

    All the more reason this makes you a wonderful person for helping out your sister.

  • JeffT

    My daughter wrote me something a few years ago (she was about twenty at the time) for fathers day, that included a line that "she could always learn some new words when Dad was working on the plumbing."

    That was good of you to do that for your sister.

  • Farkel

    :Spent all day yesterday working on my sister's plumbing

    That's illegal everywhere but in West Virginia, you know.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I take back everything I ever said about you. You are a good guy to do that for your sister. Let's have a beer sometime. You bring the beer, I'll bring the nuts.

    Oh heck, I ain't that nice of a guy. It just never hurts to have some guilt bargaining power in the bank, if you know what I mean.

    Besides, I got to tinker with my power tool toys and hand tools.

    Spent all day yesterday working on my sister's plumbing..

    That would never happen in Canada..We have free health care..


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