"Of course not, but there is more to it than that. As a general rule, well-educated people are not likely to become Jehovah's Witnesses, while lesser educated people are."....."The WTS discourages a higher education for a reason not specifically related to an objection to one's learning more, but to one's ability to learn to THINK more after become educated."
Well said. I am one of the well-educated JWs, embracing the teachings while at the University. And I think your last sentence sums up the WT thoughts very well. No matter what subject you study at the University (well, almost, any way), you are learning how to learn, to think, to separate, to evaluate. In a way, it is unimportant what subject you are studying, because the main factor is HOW to. At a convention, a brother with a Master in astronomy was interviewed, and when talking about his field of study, the audience laughed for the reason they found it a typical example of "non-bread-winning-studies", but the brother calmly replied that "there is nothing wrong with a good and solid basic education and especially so in how to study".
For my part, I have at times cursed my intelligence (if you pardon my expression, not trying to elevate myself here!) and ability to read, study, learn etc. - because in a way it has brought me almost only trouble as to the JW. I have seen easy argumentation, I have seen non-responses where others have seen responses, I have seen reasons for asking questions where others have seen none, I have seen strange sentences and shallow arguments in the literature, I have met the "wait and see" arguments way too often, I have fought with inner demons and questions for years and years because of unanswerable questions, I have seen points in the literature saying exactly the opposite of what is stated at other places - I see things that are definitely not healthy if you are to remain a whole-hearted JW. I wish I were simple, "stupid", average, or living during the Medieval Ages when the Universe was simple and there was a sphere at the edges of the Earth where you could stick your head out and see the huge machinery which drove the stars on the heavens, see the machinery of God.
I am stuck with a million questions, unlike those around me. It sucks.