Hello everyone.

by vilot 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chickpea

    another twenty year veteran
    of the trenches says WELCOME!

  • yknot

    Association with like-minded can be very beneficial

    Glad you joined, looking forward to your comments!

  • happpyexjw

    Welcome Vilot. Spent about 30 years in, since the age of 9. Been out about 19 years now. We look forward to hearing more of your story.


    A Big Welcome Vilot - we look forward to hearing more from you when you are ready

    We (me and my wife Twinkletoes) were in the Org for over 30 years - it took a long time to realise that we were involved in a cult.

    Kaytee and Twinkletoes

  • Quirky1

    Welcome to the board!!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Welcome Vilot. Looking forward to further instalments.

    PS KT you have a pm

  • warmasasunned

    hello from rainy old blighty.... good luck in your journey to normality.

  • daniel-p

    welcome vilot

  • flipper

    VILOT- Welcome to the board ! You are among friends. Look forward to your takes and posts . Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • vilot

    It can be difficult to put into a few words the path that led me out of the orgainzation, it began with little steps. I was baptized shortly after 1975 so I was not caught up in that date. Everything went fine I guess for the first 10 years I firmly believed it was the "Truth" and the system would end "Any time now". I believed when told hypocrisy was not tolerated in God's true faith. I was the good JW attended all meetings regular in service but for some reason I did not feel apart or I should say was not made to feel apart. I just ignored it figuring I had been an introvert all my life and it was just me.

    Content to pretty much sit in the shadows and wait on Jehovah's Day time streamed forward and no Day. "New understandings" "New Light" came and went and I went with the flow I mean it was expected and no one questioned anything published in the Watchtower. Then i began noticing cracks little at first. "Why didn't the Elders express the zeal for service they preached from the platform" I would wonderd. Why did there exist little exclusive groups the socialized only among themselves. Then big cracks "Why was that Elder not DF'd for adultry but that sister with the JW husband that beat her to a pulp was when she stepped out on him.

    Then the "1914 This Generation" new light rocked me to my core I could accept new light on blood and what I thought were smaller things but this sent me into shock. How could a bedrock doctrine the absolute piller of the faith be swept aside with nothing more than a stroke of a pen. And no one blinked accepted it and went on as if nothing happened at all.

    For the next few years after that I sat there numb could not concentrate on any meetings and just thought, things I had never thought of before. I started researching the WTBTS history from their own liturature (no apostate material at all) and one day wrote my DA letter I never met with the elders gave no reasons for my decision and simply walked away. I then started attending a new church, "The Church of the Unbelievers" Atheism.

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