"i could have calibrated those words differently"...obama...who talks like that?

by oompa 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Thats a very small beer, I wonder how many he drank?!?!?!!?

  • leavingwt
    OMG, leavingwt! A picture of Obama holding a beer! I can't wait for self-righteous Conservatives to run with this. He's setting a bad example for our children.

    I like a President that drinks beer, myself.

  • leavingwt
    Thats a very small beer

    This is more like it. . .

  • journey-on

    I'll betcha dollars to a donut that that beer he's drinking is some high dollar import. I'll guarantee it's not American. (Now I'm just picking...please don't get your panties in a wad ;)

  • leavingwt
    I'll guarantee it's not American

    Well, the Europeans make such tasty beer!

    Ummmmm. German and Belgian beers. Yummy.

  • BizzyBee
    I always just said "I screwed up. I'm sorry." Worked for me.

    When you were President?

  • quietlyleaving
    I always just said "I screwed up. I'm sorry." Worked for me.

    When you were President?

    no. when he was a fireman

  • SixofNine

    He's right. He spoke correctly (the arrest was unnecessary), but it was impolitic to the people who choose to see it as high-falutin professorial college types berating the hard working, working class police.

    any unnecessary arrest, is stupid.

  • journey-on

    You're wrong. He was disorderly and belligerent toward a law enforcement officer that was doing his job. He should have been arrested and released just as was done. He wasn't beaten nor slapped around. It doesn't make any difference if you're a high-falutin professorial college type or some dip-sh*t bum on the street, disorderly vile belligerence toward a police officer should not be tolerated. They should be respected and held in high regard when they are doing their job according to proper procedure. This should send a message that it's time we start showing proper respect again for the men and women that serve in this capacity.

  • BizzyBee
    any unnecessary arrest, is stupid.

    That's got to be the dumbest thing ever said in the history of people saying things.

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