Today was day 1 of my district cultvention

by JerkhovahsWitless 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    How many of those experiences such as the pioneer experiences are 100% true anyway? Also if true to what extent might they have been embellished?


  • sacolton

    "Yes, I'd like to support the Worldwide Work ... with 28% interest. Going into debt for Jehovah is a priviledge!"

  • skeeter1

    Visa - don't leave home without it. It's how to survive Armegheddon.

  • sacolton

    Actually, the Watchtower is saying:

    Use your credit card because the end is so close that you won't have to pay it off!

  • carla

    Using credit cards defeats the anonymous nature of giving the wt has always been so proud of doesn't it? My jw used to go on endlessly about that arrangement, no dish passed for all to see how much you put in, just boxes on the way out, the elders did not know how much anyone gave, .... well now the wt will have name's and how much they gave, just like when the Catholics used to post who the top givers were.

  • Emily24

    Ha ha! My mom called me on her way home from the Convention today. She said "Let's just say there probably won't be a District Convention next year! Armageddon is coming!!"

    I almost hung up on her...

  • JustHuman14

    Boy am I glad that I haven't step a foot for the past 4 years....What a CRAP...WT is really CRAP...I just can't get it how they mess my life for 33 years...

    A 6 year old baptized!!! GB, their elders,are INSANE...How can they condemn other Christians for baptizing their kids, despite the fact that event ancient Israelites had their infants circumsized. How can they make such fuzz since a 6 year old child cannot decide for serious matters. And the most EVIL of that SHIT CULT, when that child grows and becomes 20 and decides to leave that SHIT CULT he will have to suffer of that EVIL sactions of disfellowship by the WT SHIT CULT.

  • sacolton

    I told Betty Dunlap about the conventions accepting credit cards ... she couldn't believe it! She said, "Well, that makes them no better than any other religion." She's right!

  • Heaven

    I avoided being love-bombed by people telling me how they miss seeing me at the meetings.

    Yeah.... misery loves company.

  • sacolton

    Heaven, you're 100% right ... "Hey, if we gotta go to every meeting ... so should you!"

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