Brave Leanne on CBS... she's my hero. You can see her @ 1:20
Police: Four boys sexually assaulted 8-year-old girl
by Yizuman 37 Replies latest social current
Deport them.
I think they would do the same thing in the land that they are from. I think they should be all be given a life sentence...
The boys and the father of that girl, I say kill them all, why let them reproduce.
Detectives said the girl was placed in the custody of Phoenix child protective services after the attack because of her parents' attitude toward her.
This makes me want to vomit. Their eight year old daughter gets raped by not one, but four boys and the parents have "an attitude towards her"?? Gee I guess it was really all her fault eh?
Sick little bastards. I agree: deport the rest of them and keep the little girl here on compassion grounds. Christ almighty.
"Authorities said the victim was in the care of Child Protective Services after her parents blamed her for the attack and bringing shame to the family.
"The father told the case worker and an officer in her presence that he didn't want her back. He said 'Take her, I don't want her,'" Hill said.
He said the father cited the family's Liberian culture as the reason for shunning the girl."
A little JWish don't you think?
Hey Avi,
Thanks for your post.
No problem, Purps. Lets see if Ren posts her way outta this one.
Avishai she won't post. when someone with a jw mindset can't refute what your are saying they take their ball and go home.
I say, if you go to live on another country, its you who must adapt to the county, not the country adapt to you. and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out. If they can't come here and leave their barbaric ways behind, then they should not come here at all.
i was just thinking.....did she "dress provocatively"......was she "flirting"........did she "put herself in a situation"????? just makes me sick, but it also makes me sick to think of jw "sisters" who were raped and told they were guilty of the same thing.....yes she was 8 and and will likely be marred for life and was not "guilty" of these stupid quotes above........but i also feel for the jw women who this happend to........oompa