Does The Burger King Creep You Out?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If i were a child, I'd beg my parents to take me anywhere but BKs.

    I wonder how much money they make with him?

  • undercover

    John, I read about the flap that that ad campaign caused in Singapore, (I think it was)

    Another reason that it's "good to be King"...

  • John Doe
  • OnTheWayOut

    The commercials are totally freaked out. I guess they are appealing to the basic desire to be weird that men and teens experience.
    Yes, men like to be weird and teens are actually weird.

    Check this one out.
    Michael Jackson vs Burger King & Ronald McDonald:

  • Dagney

    Yes, he is really creepy.

  • oompa

    i hate that king thing.....but damm i did love that guy singing from hootie and the blowfish commercial with the hot chick in the swing!!!!!......that one just cracked me up........but damm i hate their food......i tried an ANGUS burger there a few years ago.....they came out with them right after Hardees and Carl Jrs. started them.....i actually only ate two bites and threw it away.........Hardees one totally rocks and is just about like home grilled..........mcdees is lacking too btw......i will not buy another one...........oompa/burger lover

  • minimus

    OTWO, that was strange and funny.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I hate that! What the hell are they thinking?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Like them or not, those ads are doing their job. Look at all the free discussion they're garnering. Oh, and Burger King has some pretty good burgers--if you tell them to go easy on the mayo.

  • purplesofa

    I have turned into a Grandma with some of my thinking.

    I have grandkids that watch Spongebob Squarepants

    and when I saw the commercial

    I just found it something I did not want my grandkids


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