My grandma blamed satan for hiding her keys from her. After I found, I pointed out that she had put the keys in one of her purse's many compartments (I didn't remind her that she had pretty advanced Alzheimer's) and just had forgotten where she put them, she accused me of "taking up for him (satan)." Honestly, I would think satan would have way better things to do than hide keys from confused old ladies.
Satan- Perfect Scapegoat for Witnesses Ignoring Real Causes of Situations
by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends
SERENITY NOW !- That is funny ! Your grandma said Satan was using you to hide her keys ? LOL ! I'm so sorry your grandma has Alzheimers that's too bad. But yeah , I think she just forgot where her keys were. Heck- I do that with my keys and I don't even have alzheimers
Many blame Satan for their financial problems. It is so hard to make a living in this old system they say.
True there are challenges, but the real problem is the fact that jw's are:
1 not to go to university
2 not to miss meetings for secular employment or overtime
3.not to work on saturdays because it interferes with their spiritual routine
4 not to make investments in stock market, real estate because that is not trusting in jehovah.
yes, Satan is a convenient scapegoat
He was always my excuse.
Didn't realize this old thread of mine had been bumped up ! Thanks for the replies.
HOSER- The JW's don't live in reality. They need someone like us ex-JW's to put the REAL back into their reality.
5GO- I think a lot of us used " Satan " as a scapegoat when we were JW's- it was easier than facing our own inadequacies or taking responsibility for ourselves
Julia Orwell
A sister told me the problems I've been having in my congregation is Satan using the JWs against me. I said, "These are faithful JWs, God's chosen people who study every day and pray and go to meetings [I operated from the premise that it IS the true religion for her benefit] and Satan can still get into them?"
So stop and think a minute: if Satan can use YHWH's chosen people who have his divine protection, then how freakin' powerful is Satan? No, Satan is just a scapegoat. My non-JW mum said if you blame satan or demons for pedophiles and that, you are saying they are not responsible for their actions. I agreed with mum, even though I was a kool-aid drinker at the time.
I saw this thread got bumped up again so thought I'd reply.
JULIA ORWELL- That is a great question you asked that JW lady you knew. Hopefully it made her think. I think jW's blame Satan when it's convenient when they don't want to take responsibility for their boorish actions. Very interesting that your mom said that about pedophiles. These JW people are just so messed up they don't know if they are coming or going
I remember among the Witness folk mention of the word 'satan' outnumbered mentions of 'jehovah'. It was like satan was the really irritating relative that everyone seemed to be related to.
GORGIA 2- Indeed, the term " Satan " seemed to be used more than " Jehovah " inside the Witnesses publications and meetings. I noticed that as well. Satan was a perfect scapegoat for them not accepting responsibility. Peace out, mr. Flipper