Satan- Perfect Scapegoat for Witnesses Ignoring Real Causes of Situations

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So does Satan still scare everybody ? Or does everybody kind of think it's just a figment of witnesses imagination ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this thread up for some newbies who have joined the board since I posted this. Thought it would be good to talk about. All comments welcome

  • littlebird

    Its funny you bumped this up, flipper. Just the other day I got sick of hearing my soon to be ex, blaming Satan for all our problems, so I piped up and said. " You people give Satan more attention then actual Satan worshippers do!"

    Jws (some of them) act as if Satan is omnipresent or something, they just don't want to take personal responsibility for anything.

  • flipper

    LITTLEBIRD- Exactly, good point you make. The bottom line is that witnesses don't WANT to take responsibility for their bad decisions- it's much easier to blame Satan, or their own " imperfections " . Either way it's a cop out for sure

  • Chalam

    Satan- Perfect Scapegoat for Witnesses Ignoring Real Causes of Situations


    Second scapegoat is "jehovah's will".



  • designs

    What's the Fundamentalists scapegoat(s) Stephen-

  • designs

    I guess objectivity and honest appraisal aren't in the Fundamentalists hand book....

  • jookbeard

    damn stupid blaming Satan for controlling the media, say newspapers for example, with include TV Listings,Sports Results,Crosswords,Foreign Correspondents,Travel News etc etc all Satan's work is it?

  • flipper

    CHALAM- Witnesses and the WT society use Satan & Jehovah's will as scapegoats, yes indeed.They also use " imperfection " as an easy out as well.

    JOOKBEARD- The WT society blames EVERYTHING on Satan virtually. Media, news, ANYTHING happening in the world outside the JW realm. It's really weird

  • Jadeen

    I remember sitting at a convention and one of the speakers was talking about how Satan had caused his medical problems and the financial problems that followed.

    Of course, then Jehovah supported his continuing to pioneer instead of getting a real job and health insurance.

    My mom made the comment, "You know, that dumbass just got everyone in his congregation to pony up for his medical expenses. He should be thanking his congregation!"

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