I floated when I was baptized

by rebel8 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • SacrificialLoon

    Baptized three times for emphasis! You get a G on your baptism!

    Do you weigh the same as a duck?


  • rebel8

    So far in this thread we have witches, Cheerios, turds, Holy Spirit, and Hope all causing flotation. No Ivory Soap yet. I think I prefer hope!

    Were you the talk of the convention? how old were you anyway?

    I remember there was some talk, but I wouldn't have heard a lot of gossip if it was going on. I was 15 - 17 I think....pressure to get dunked because I was 'so old'. There was a lot of question as to whether my dunking 'counted'.

    I didn't consider it a trial or anything. I just thought the bro was a dumbass. If you screw up the simple task of dunking someone under the water...twice in a row...maybe you're a few bricks shy of a load.

    People kept asking me if I "feel different". They all said they did after dunkage.

  • Quirky1

    You forgot gas....

  • rebel8

    Right, GAS!

  • vikesgirl101

    Isn't baptism really an outward formality? Sometimes I look back, and go "Really?" It's just like counting time that you devote to God. It should be between you and God, not you and man.

    Funny though, I floated too. Like a cheerio. I always felt it was a sign that I was a poor Chrisitian.

  • ex-nj-jw

    That's too funny rebel - I think I would have said forget it had that been me!

    I remember people asking me if I felt different too. I didn't probably cause it meant nothing to me sort of like going to the meeting, fs, giving talks just something I had to do at the time.


  • caliber

    I was 15 - 17 I think....pressure to get dunked because I was 'so old'. There was a lot of question as to whether my dunking 'counted'

    Below is a boy being Baptist in a children's pool

    If you wait too long they can't fit you in the pool ..you have to give them" a leg up" on these things ! ...

  • Gram

    The "first time" I was dunked was when I was 9 yrs old and my grandmother took me to meetings, etc. Afterwards, my gram asked me how I felt or something along that line. I said "it was fun" -- to her dismay, she told me to "hush" this was supposed to be a serious time, not "fun." I sort of floated at first, maybe that skirt on the oh-so-modest bathing suit, then the air squished out and down I went.

  • Scully

    I wonder if the picture I have of my Baptismâ„¢, where I am coming out of the pool, showing a very noticable "dry spot" on my bathing suit over my left breast, would be enough to have my Baptismâ„¢ declared null-and-void.

  • WTWizard

    My leg came up when I was baptized, and I had to be dunked twice. Maybe my foot had more sense than my head did at that time--perhaps because I cannot read the scam littera-trash with my feet.

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