unique deathless generation---we were soooo special....

by oompa 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    Millions Now Living Will Never Die! (I sure heard this a lot over the years).....what a mindfluck!!...i was spoonfed this from the birth, but you must feel really stoopid if bought into this as an adult and JOINED this outfit.....(let me know, cause i would feel stoopid and feel stoopid for not walking in 1995 when they decided the the generation of 1914 was not a REAL generation)....notice they continue this mindfluck teaching even after 1995....oompa

    *** w98 7/1 p. 24 par. 18 "Death Is to Be Brought to Nothing" ***Of course, "other sheep" alive today have a hope that is unique to this generation . As part of an ever-increasing "great crowd," they may survive the coming "great tribulation" and never experience physical death! (Revelation 7:9, 14)

    *** w96 11/1 pp. 12-13 par. 2 Sharing the Comfort That Jehovah Provides ***What about God’s promise to end wickedness and to transform this earth into a paradise? When you learned about this, did it not comfort you and fill you with eager anticipation? How did you feel when you first learned of the possibility of never dying but of surviving into that coming earthly Paradise? No doubt you were thrilled. Yes, you had become a recipient of God’s comforting message now being preached worldwide by Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Psalm 37:9-11, 29; John 11:26; Revelation 21:3-5.

    *** w95 2/15 p. 16 par. 12 Saved Alive Through the Great Tribulation ***It is exciting to contemplate survival of the end of this system of things and the possibility of never having to die.

    Marvelous to say, that "curing" includes the conquest of Adamic death itself! "He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces." (Isaiah 25:8) Thus, those who survive the great tribulation into the new world need never face death!

    *** w90 5/1 p. 28 par. 19 Exercise Faith for Everlasting Life ***Thus, people who today exercise faith in God and in his Son have the thrilling hope of surviving this system’s end and continuing alive into God’s new world— never dying at all!

    Those of the great crowd who survive this world’s end will not need a resurrection from the dead because they "will never die at all "! Are you taking steps to be one of this group? If so, what an amazing, unique privilege is open to you—that of surviving the end of Satan’s evil system and being ushered into a righteous new era that will bring you perfect health and everlasting life on a paradise earth! (Luke 23:43; Revelation 21:4, 5) By learning what is God’s will and persevering in doing it, you may demonstrate that you ‘are not of the sort that shrink back to destruction.’ You too may "have faith to the preserving alive of the soul."—Hebrews 10:39; 1 John 2:15-17; Revelation 7:15.

  • bluecanary

    In one of the Star Trek movies, Captain Picard says something about time catching up with us all. Riker responsds, "Speak for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever." I always liked that line because I thought it applied to me as well. I'm still young, and the concept that I will most definitely die is a sobering one. I can't imagine coming to that realization at a much later stage in life.

    As a Witness, I knew that I could die in accident or of a disease at any time, but I didn't really think that would happen. It's typical of young people to feel that death only happens to other people. Sometimes I have difficulty coming to terms with it.

  • awildflower

    Even after leaving the teachings of the wts, I still feel like I'm going to live forever. What is that?..........wf

  • sammielee24

    This is the sort of drivel that has caused untold mental and emotional anguish for a lot of current and xJW's..as you know they pretty well changed that generation to no definition by claiming the generation are the annointed remnant..which puts it into infinity.

    We confronted two long term JW's about this change and the impact that it had on the lives of those who had bought into the whole message then and how this change alone could itself destroy the faith of many - these two 'men' were x Elders and in fact, one of them told us outright that he had been deleted because of his own inability to accept this change - but their final reasoning was that it didn't matter. They said that the WTS could change anything because they continued to grow in their understanding and therefore, we must accept those changes no matter when and how often they came...and wether we liked them or could accept them or not.

    Basically, they said the past doesn't matter - nothing the WTS has printed, said, taught - it doesn't matter. What they tell you today is all you need do.

    Now - if a normal, average, sane person can't see the blind, screwed up, mind control that takes place within the WTS, well then, there is no hope for them. sammieswife.

  • Heaven

    as ninja has said before: Millions now dying have never lived. My father wasted his retirement in this cult. He has some regrets. And he is now faced with the reality that he, too, will die one day.

    bluecanary said: In one of the Star Trek movies, Captain Picard says something about time catching up with us all. Riker responsds, "Speak for yourself, sir. I plan to live forever."

    I always liked this too because I thought how much this demonstrated the saying "With age comes wisdom." Riker is clearly in denial. NONE of us gets out of this life alive.

    I still feel like I'm going to live forever. What is that?..........wf

    awildflower... after you live life for a while, you do realize that getting older means one day, you are going to die. It takes everyone a different experience and timeframe but we all, eventually, are faced with our mortality. It will eventually happen to you as well.


    Yep..Spoon fed this shit since I was a baby too..The people who insisted I should believe it,are dead..

    Did they die just to make the WBT$ look bad?


    Did they die because they thought it was funny to die,after preaching this for so long?


  • awildflower

    Well I know one thing, if I have to die, I'll die in peace living outside of the control of the wt. I'll grow old with joy and being proud of the life I'm now living and being at peace with whatever happens to us later. The wt idea is 'live for us now, your real life is to come.....maybe.' No thanks. I'm not afraid of growing old or dying, I just think that something is taking place in the universe that is going to reverse that process and it has nothing to do with beliefs or a religion.............wf

  • Dagney

    I was raised in also.

    But one day my mom looked at me square in the eye and said, "just think, you will never know what it is like to grow old."

    It does a number on your head, I mean, we were kids, and the seriousness of her comment...eeesh.

    And here we are. Old.

  • oompa


    Also, i kinda went off to a family member last week about paragraph 4 i believe of last weeks WT lesson.....it talks about knowing "where we are in the stream of time".....and how "deep into the last days we are"!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................i asked my WT conductor relative what scripture......ANY SCRIPTURE is there that gives ANY indication of how long the last days may last......and WHERE THE HELL ARE WE IN THE STREAM OF TIME!!!!!

    he acknowledged there are none and that he wished WT would stop saying it.....he has felt that way for years.......but he is still faithful and says that WT just needs to keep the friends in expectation of it.....keep them on their toes

    i say why not just say "be on the watch.......keep on your toes cause we dont know when"......but for some reason that is not enough.....i also told him that constantly saying it is "so close" causes some mental problems.....like the scripture says.....

    "expectation postponed is making the heart sick".........i think there are a lot of sick souls out there.....getting old....and ready to die.........oompa

  • carla

    Thanks for posting those quotes! I had forgotten about those!! of course plenty of 'may and possibly' to cover their asses.

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