The Last Warning

by cameo-d 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Did I read somewhere that WT is putting out "the Last Warning"?

    Was it assembly topic or something?

    Does this mean they will shut up now?

    Or fall apart?

    Or re-group?

    Or send a hired hand of god to kill all the opposers?

    What would you expect to happen if WT puts out a "Last Warning"?

  • leavingwt

    They've been giving a 'Last Warning' since the 1870's.

  • watson

    I remember in the early 70's when we started up the "tract work" again. We were literally running from door to door to get them in the hands of the people. It was stressful, but exciting too. Maybe it's time to "fire it up" again?

  • ninja

    yep....armageddon is only a scrotum hair's width away.......get the finger out brothers and disseminate them tracts

  • daniel-p

    It's always a "last warning." Ever since their oft-referred-to 607 BCE.

    I honestly don't think they could pull it off. They don't have it in 'em anymore--not the rank and file. I think a lot of JWs just wouldn't really take it seriously and carry on as before. The rest would take this as affirmation of some bullshit "sifting of the chaff" or whatever, but when it's all over and done with those same people will be so dissillusioned they'll willingly have one foot in the grave as they see their pathetic lives come to an end for a publishing company.

  • sspo

    It's the only way for the watchtower to keep their followers

  • IronHill

    i too feel its an effort to some fire under those that have slacked...(like me )

  • daniel-p

    Of course, if Armageddon does happen, then we're all $&%*ed. Better get out in the ministry brother! Get your "last minute repenting" shoes shined and dust off that book bag. We're gonna wrastle up some sheep!!!

  • cameo-d

    Perhaps the time is coming when they will have to make their story materialize?

  • sir82

    As the wacked-out elder in my congo says...

    "Brothers, the end is not is imminent!"

    He caught himself saying that once in a talk and fell in love with his own saying. He now repeats it every chance he gets.

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