I answer: repentant from wrong conduct and thinking, obedient to valid direction, loyal to Jehovah and His principles, to name a few qualities
What type of person makes a good JW?
by Sour Grapes 21 Replies latest jw friends
I agree very much with bluecanary's sentiments - especially
I believe journey-on is correct about being institutionalized. But I think that is what causes the need for structure, not the other way around. I became very acclimated to structure and strict obedience as a born-in. I find that hard to break in myself now that I'm out. I have difficulty accomplishing or taking-on new tasks if there are not defined guidelines or persons to be accountable to for it. At the same time, I have come to have a sour taste for authority and the more I learn and become myself the more I am inclined to rebel against authority. The desire to be subservient was something the witnesses implanted in me, not a natural feeling that made be a witness.
Also general society that we live in nowadays is about controlling institutions - our places of work, the police force etc. So when we leave the troof we are confronted by a certain amount of control and institutionalization. I think its good to be aware of this when we leave the troof becaue it can be a little unsettling.