Good video...thanks for pointing it out!
Does the WT warn against reading the Bible?
by Hope4Others 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Since I started studying the Bible with, not only the WT material by with bible comemntaries, internet articles, biblical disctonaries and such, the Word of God has looked quite different to me that it used to.
A more loving, benevolent, slow to anger, quick to forgive, devoted God with a loving and "human" Son.
On the one hand they fully recommend and encourage Bible reading.....
but, like the Catholic Church of the 16th Century, they see a danger to their own establishment if the flock read it with a viewpoint of criticism or with knowledge gained from other sources that might differ from their own teaching.
They do not ban or even openly discourage the use of other translations, but make it clear that in the event of differences, the NWT is the correct one.
They once said that they do not endorse other private study groups ...The message seems to be "Read The Bible, but make sure that you read it our way!"
Mad Dawg
Spiked Punch said:
God’s Word [Jesus] speaks to his disciples through the holy spirit that he said he would send, just as he promised them that he would
Ummm… Help me out here. I presume that you are a disciple, right? Does Jesus speak to you through the Holy Spirit? If so, why do you need the GB? Are you “spirit directed”? Aren’t the only people spirit directed the annointed?
OH! OHHHH!! I GET IT! We have an annointed brother on the board with us!
I recall that last few years of pioneering I carried a KJ version and an Amercian Standard, I found that when I pulled it out I got farther. But
many jw's would make negative comments about me using it. I just said a bible is a bible...little did I know the truth about the NWT....
I agree bible reading is encouraged to a point but only using the Wt interpretation. And we know that studying the publications is foremost, after
all the scriptures are continually sited through out the paragraphs so there is no need to look them up.
How many actually do look up every scripture when you study with someone, often you will say we know what that says.... -
jonathan dough
The point missed is that the NWT is not really a Bible as it has been modified to such a great extent.
Last quote from WT 1910 shouldn't have been used. It's obvious that a "JW" would say that's old material and they don't believe that nor do they study Study in the Scriptures. However bogus that was by Russell that quote is outdated to be used. There are more recent quotes that state not to study independently the bible and even they state that garbage at assemblies and DC. Otherwise the video was alright.
Well, Russell came to hsi views vie indepandant bible study, the WT came to being via independant bible study, one can argue that all that the Wt and Jw's are is base don independant bible study.
To say that is wrong or "unadvisable" puts the history of the WT into question.
I mean, if independant bible study can lead one to false notions and sense the "founder(s)" of the WT and JW's were independant studiers, are we to take it that "false notions" could be present in the WT ?
Well organized thoughts, but will scare off any curious JWs looking. The angry "apostate" looking monkey, the curse words. Too bad.