Read My Dads Crazy Email Trying to Make me Panic bout Armageddon!!

by foolsparadise 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    FOOLSPARADISE- Wow. I'm sorry your dad has dealt with mental issues. No doubt his being in the Jehovah's Witness cult has greatly contributed to those mental issues. The fact that he actually believes that all the witnesses will have to flee to a safe haven somewhere is astounding ! It smacks of cult mind control to be sure. It really creeped me out reading this statement when he said, " a warning that will come from the faithful slave at any moment about exactly what to do when the tribulation starts blows my mind . " The control the WT society holds over witnesses and people like your father scares me and blows MY mind ! So these people are sitting here waiting for instructions on WHAT TO DO when an alleged tribulation comes. That is eerie. As JIm from Texas said, let's just hope it isn't something like Jim Jones did with People's Temple. Anything the WT society does or would possibly do does not surprise me anymore. I fear for my relatives who are witnesses still

  • jamiebowers
    I live in the Mountains..In the Wilderness..
    The average person would die here..
    Anyone who thinks they can just go live in the Wilderness,is out of thier mind..

    Can we come to your house for Armageddon?

  • Johnny

    What "blows MY mind" is the fact that they swallow all this from the Organization, and do not open their eyes. What a shame.

  • Roski

    Sounds just like my mother.....

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    i get the feeling his enthusiasm is a little... forced? hmm

  • chickpea

    i bet you cringe every time
    your dad sends you an email....

    same old same old crap...
    but i do note that the GB
    has assured that the dr0nes
    will keep their attention
    riveted on them, as the
    "source of deliverence"...

    wankers, the lot of them

  • Scully

    Wasn't last weeks WT great!
    It is fun being the Tower overseer. I have to study it twice!

    "I have to study it twice!" Sounds like he's being forced at gunpoint. If he was really enjoying it, he'd say "I get to study it twice!"

    The comparison of the warnings that Jesus and Paul gave in the book of Hebrews (30 yrs after Jesus) and a warning that will come from the Faithful slave at any moment about exactly what to do when the trib. starts blows my mind.

    It's really kind of sad how they equate Jesus and Paul with the WTS. That blows my mind.

    I never thought about Pauls letter to the Hebrews having to do with something the Slave will declare to us either in a letter or the Tower. I think a letter because it is faster.

    Sure, it will be in a letter. He wants it faster because he's been trudging along for how long now??

    The part I like was how the Hebrew Witnesses in Jerusalem recalled every detail (due to their faithfullness to Jehovah in meeting attendance) of Jesus instructions 30 years before. Flee to the MOUNTAINS!. Not just flee when you can get out, but to the MOUNTAINS. They went to Pela, in the mountains! Such faith! That detail must have been used in every meeting part for all those 30 years, just like all of our meetings.

    There were Hebrew Witnesses? Is he serious?

    I doubt we will be told to go hide in the mountains but somewhere in Jesus instructions there will be an order for us that the slave will discern and pass along to us just at the right moment. We may have to just respond without hast then and there and leave the kindom hall all at once just like the Witnesses in Jerusalem! Another point I liked was (can't remember if it was in the same issue or where ) that we are not in the last days... but, the last hours of the system. Amazing. I have never heard that expression before. Now if I can just pay attention like the Hebrew witnesses did!

    Yes, the "last hours of the system". Whatever it takes to keep the elderly, decades in, JWs hooked. They have sacrificed, they have done without, they have paid their dues and they want what's coming to them, dammit. They aren't going to throw in the towel now, not when they've invested so much, without complaint and without reward. If they can hang on just that little bit longer, they'll get that carrot that's dangling in front of them, by golly!!

  • chickpea

    sorry to double post but
    something occurred to me
    whilst walking the dogs,
    and my 30 minute edit
    option has expired

    this reminds me of the Y2K
    flap, wherein the JW parents
    of a (fading) friend went totally
    ape-sh!t crazy, printing thousands
    (THOUSANDS) of pages off the
    notorious interwebs, practically
    making it their ministry to preach
    the upcoming devastation of the
    unavoidable event of global systems
    failures, stockpiling a year's supply of food.....

    oops, never mind...
    the sky ISN'T FALLING!

    such a tragic mindset to
    drag through life

  • reniaa

    there is some scriptures that indicate quite a bit of time involved

    Matthew 24:36-38 (New International Version)

    36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, [a] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;

    Luke 17:26-28 (New International Version)

    26 "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

    God was unhappy in noahs day so he said this

    Genesis 6:3 (New International Version)

    3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal [b] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."

    120 years before the flood they kept going bad before God brought the flood, and Jesus points to a parallel happening in the lasts days of man, both accounts in mathew and luke calling them eithers days or coming/presence/parousia of Jesus.

    You can freely disagree with this but the point shows that at quite a bit of time happenned before the flood came when people were unaware and doing everyday things and so it will be in the lasts days when the days of the son of man are happening according to Jesus.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Yeah, except Jesus never existed.

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