I feel so discouraged

by mouthy 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber

    "Hope springs eternal..". sometimes beautiful flowers spring from the snow !!!

    Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never Is, but always To be blest:
    The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
    Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

    -Alexander Pope,
    An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733

  • mouthy

    Yes Lets HOPE Thanks

  • Virgochik

    It has bothered me a lot, so much that I've lost sleep. My husband doesn't really understand.

    I have so much in common with Michael Jackson. We're both Virgos, and we were both born in Gary Methodist hospital, Gary indiana, USA in the same year, 1958. We both had issues with our fathers. It turns my stomach to see the kids handed over to go through the same things we did. I hope they're strong and come though OK. I could've ended up like Michael, but thankfully I didn't. I do like a glass of wine, lol, but I never got into drugs to forget. I hate to see the kids repeat it all- why would Michael want them to be raised by his mother, knowing that guaranteed a Witless upbringing?

  • JWdaughter

    I feel bad for the kids, but the gramma is 80 years old. If she is allowed custody(permanently), I would be surprised, esp. as her husband is a known abuser. I am afraid she will give physical custody to Rebbie though, - I guess her hubby is hardcore JW elder type.

  • quietlyleaving

    Don't be too discouraged Grace

    Janet Jackson seems interested in providing emotional support. and of course there's JWN - who's to say they don't already come on here. I reckon the eldest will be the first to venture on here if he doesn't already do so.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The kids have lots of non-JW uncles, so when Katherine fails.....again.....they will have plenty of support from a large family that prides itself on being 'close'.



  • JustHuman14

    I agree Mouthy and guess HOW much cash WT will be benefit from them!!!

  • mouthy

    Thanks for all the caring you too have supplied.
    Lets hope that the kids do get to see this site
    & how we escaped the Clutches of the WT

  • mouthy

    Not only am I upset about the Jackson kids. But now I feel for this reniaa
    I know she feels as if she is "helping" people return to the cult
    But I feel her mind is so captured by it,that we may be damaging her MORE
    but giving her the podium
    You know SO many JW kill themselves after their minds become SO confused.
    I know you all mean well( cos your my kids)But watch how you handle her.
    Just because she is so adamant about her beliefs ...I know a few who opted
    out of life,when they found out the WT wasnt" MOTHER"

    Just my opinion

  • isaacaustin

    Let's pray for Reniaa and her kids:

    Dear Father,

    You and only you know the sitatuation and true person of Reniaa. Only you know her circumstances. At this time Heavenly Father I pray for the Holy Spirit to touch Reniaa and free her from the mind control of the WT. I pray for any children Reniaa may have Father and ask you to please touch her children and draw them to you Jesus. Please watch after them and protect them from the WT org and carry them in your hand Father.

    I pray all things in your glorious name,


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