I was df'd and lived as a "worldly" person for about 13 or 14 years before I saw the WB&TS for what it is, (thank you Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen!). During that time I would've been petrified of anyone or anything apostate.
Apostacloset: BIG NO NO!
by White Dove 36 Replies latest jw friends
I've known it to happen a couple times. My sister-in-law's father had known a brother disfellowshipped,,talked with him on organizational issues that were deceitful and false..the disfellowshipped brother turned him in and reported to elders. So my sister-in-laws dad was called in for JC meeting,,saw what was coming and he went to his lawyer and mailed them a letter from the lawyer if his name was announced on the platform in a negative way he would sue them. He was a businessman in a little town area and wouldn't have his name announced from the platform in their JW slandering way. Some inactive or disfellowshipped ones will 'turn' in such ones, possibly seeking points to get back in favor with the elders.
Many JWs may quit going to meetings due to personal problem or because of local issue with others JW members or elders. Some even disfellowshipped,,but they never research, investigate the organization itself. The organization still has its tentacles around them and even though they are totally unhappy, they still insist that the organization is the "truth'. Sad situation for many,,they're not in and they're not out,,kind of a 'limbo', miserable state, stuck.
White Dove
I think the saddest people of all are the ones who do not go to the WT meetings or practise it, whether d/f or not, but will still tell a visiting elder "Of course I know that it is the Truth brother.....but .................."
Stone me ! if they believe it to be true, that the system ends "soon", then NOTHING should stop a sane person from being part of it. No matter how much you disliked the elders, you would still jump in the same lifeboat if you had been on The Titanic....
The only good reason for stopping is because we know that it is not the truth. Apostate ? yes, it is a compliment..
White Dove
Maybe they think that JH will take mercy on them anyway if they defend him to others even if they are df'd.
White Dove
She removed herself from my FB friends list. How self-righteous and judgmental of her! She's the df'd one, not me.
White Dove
I messaged her (off of previous messages) and told her that if she didn't like what I was talking about to say so and I'd be more than happy to drop the subject and talk about something else. I told her that you drop subjects, not people. I also told her that she was df'd and how was I supposed to know how she felt about that.