Apostacloset: BIG NO NO!

by White Dove 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    White Dove, your daughter rocks! You did the right thing making an apology, much bigger and better than she could do for you.

    If she has been out 3 yers, then where is her head at? If she cares that much about JW life, then what's taking?Remember, you did the right thing. Don't carry that negative crap she spat at you...you' re better than that. Let it go and leave her to her own misery. You did not mean to harm, but she did.

    "Self rightous bitch:....hahhahahahahahaaa Hug your girl for me!

  • oompa

    just be glad you did not send her a long sincere apostae-mail that she handed over to the elders......like me.........oompa

  • ziddina

    Oh, White Dove, sorry to hear about the misunderstanding...

    An apostate has CHOSEN to walk away from the religion, usually due to discovery of the truth about "The Truth". As a well-informed, or at least better-informed ex-Jehovah's Witness, an apostate would pose a GREAT threat to any people currently in the WTBTS - the apostate could share information that would EXPOSE the WTBTS leaders and their whole house-of-cards...

    A disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness has been UNWILLINGLY KICKED OUT - and usually is desperately seeking to get back in.

    Witness the actions of Reniaa... She desperately desires 're-instatement' - and ignores any and all information/truth/reality about the religion that has cruelly abused and rejected her... Some people go crawling back to the abusive 'parent', and some have or develop an internal strength that enables them to break free...

    Glad to see that you broke free, White Dove! Hope you don't have to 'dissemble' for too long before you can be 'out' of the "Apostacloset"...


  • Quandry

    The sad thing is that in her mind she is still a JW, even though disfellowshipped.

    Of course, if she knew that the organization considers disfellowshipped people bird food at the big A......

    Would that change her mind?

  • skeeter1

    I find it helpful to ask a person what their views on the JWs are, then I decide whether or not to open my mouth. I usually state that I am trying to respect thier spirituality. That seems to put me on better footing, and turns me from being an evil apostate to someone who has a few issues with he Org. The people who contact me usually have a few gripes too.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Many df'd people carry the belief that the organizaiton is still the truth, and that they are simply not good enough to live up to those standards. Nothing surprising considering the amount of conditioning that goes inside of the Watchtower world.

    I know that some ex-jws find it shocking that the experience of disfellowshipping doesn't wake people up about the "truth" of the organization, but that' just how it goes. Not everybody has an enlightening experience after they leave (or get kicked out of) the Kingdom Hall.

  • leavingwt

    Shameless plug for Combatting Cult Mind Control.

    It changed my life.

  • diamondiiz

    There are those that find out the truth about WT$ and leave or are dfed but that might be a smaller number of the total DFed individuals. Those that get DFed for moral conduct (most of DFed) most likely still belief that WT$ is God's organization and they blame themselves for being rejected by God and still believe that they need to change things in their lives to be accepted back by WT$. If these individuals don't know the facts they will veiw us as apostates and evil people who are trying to discredit a wonderful God's organization who could do no wrong. Thus these DFed people are still under GB influence and under their do some research on WT$ they will never set themselves free of GB's hold on their lives.

  • freedomisntfree

    some people arnt strong enough to go out on their own and form their own belief structure and some just dont want to. I think your reaction to her acusation is most interesting. I hope we all get to a point were they can call us that and it wont elicite any feeling other then pity.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I just wonder how many years it takes from being df'd and staying that way to finally being able to stop defending it.

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