Thanks for the warm welcome
I guess typing my first post in Word and pasting it wasn't a good idea. I didn't realize the style coding would end up in my post... oops.
I'll try to answer the question I was asked.
Are you baptized?
This Friday will mark the 10 year anniversary of my life long dedication to the MLM scam known as the Watchtower Corporation.
Will your parents kick you out or cut off fund$ or otherwise make your life difficult if you tell them that you are over the JW religion?
As of a few months ago, my parents know why I haven't been going to meetings. I was having a debate one night with my mom about something in the Bible and history. Well, I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore about what I've been studying for the last few months and let the info go that I believe the Bible to be based off of reworked myths taken from other civilizations. (they don't know any of the information I've gotten from ex-JW sites or that I've been on them)
I guess it was good that they found out then because about a month later my dad decided to stick his nose in my business and open a package that came from addressed to me. It was a book that he about crapped himself over me buying (the book was about Jesus and sun gods). I don't see what the big deal was anyway. The Watchtower's been getting their information from the same type of books, which cast doubts on the Bible, in order to show the "pagan" origins of Easter, Christmas and the trinity, while ignoring other parts of the books that show things like the story of Samson is a solar-myth or there's more similarity between Isis and Mary than just the Catholic Madonna with child/Egyptian Isis with baby Horus statue than the WT will comment on.
Whoa, I went off on a little rant there... Back on topic. Other than the occasional argument when my parents' cult personality snaps, they don't seem like they'd turn on me. They've never been that spiritual, but still remain under WT mind control. Not sure what'd happen if I was DF'ed. They didn't shun my sister who was DF'ed for years. She even moved in. Of course, she wasn't DF'ed for being a mean old apostate atheist. They could still be in denial and think I'll come around, who knows... They don't know that prior to me not going to meetings, I gradually started to realized how cult-like the JWs are. The comparative religious and Bible inaccuracy research came about later after my friend told me he had a hard time believing in a lot of the Bible's stories. The flood being the biggest one for him. I looked for information on the flood online and came across an ex-JW site that showed his research and letters back and forth with the WTS about the flood. I don't remember the url, but it was a good site. He's probably a member here? That website started my interest in what I've been researching.
You do not state why, nor is it our business why, you are living at home. Apparently you are old enough to be on your own.
This isn't really a question, but I want to reply to it because if I was reading this thread, I'd be curious about why is the loser living at home and how old is he? I don't mind telling people, but I don't want to go into too much detail on the forum. Trying to keep it vague, I'll say its due to a lot of debt, companies I've worked for closing down leaving me with a lot of unemployed time in between jobs and no currently full-time job for well over a year. My age is... I'm old enough to appreciate cartoons like GI Joe, He-Man, the Transformers, Care Bears and *whipsers* the Smurfs.
Next time you are confronted, just start humming. Yep, and maybe start twitching....start with subtle eye winks...then maybe a facial muscle twitch...then go with little vocal ticks.... not full blown Tourettes (and not to poke fun at those who have it)...just enough to make the visitors think its really not worth trying to get you back to the hall.... dont need that little distraction during the meetings...
LOL! If I do that maybe they'll think I'm demonized and be too scared to come by.
Tell them "you've been a little depressed lately."
With my sob story about my finances and employment, that'll even be believable.
Thanks sir82, undercover, wobble, Heaven, OnTheWayOut and SnakesInTheTower for the advice. Sorry if I missed anyone! You've all given me a better idea on what to do and now I'm not worried so much. I'm glad I could make some of you laugh by being both humorous and humourous. I was worried I might come off as really bitter instead of entertaining and bitter.