The way I see it faith; as used in the bible and specifically in the book of Hebrews is a powerful tool used to encourage gullibility, and strongly discourages critical examination.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
It is of course true that when those words were first put down in writing there wasn't the vast accumulation of scientific knowledge we have in our modern times, there wasn't any telescopes, microscopes, atomic accelerators, satellites, or serious studies in anthropology & archeology. And so faith in an unseen biblical Deity was not met with the huge amounts of critical data, in fact for a sizable portion it was forced upon them with the threat of torture or loss of life(such as inquisitions,& being put to the question).
Back in the days proceeding from when the official cannon was sanctified by both the politically&religiously minded early church fathers with the States approval or support "faith" as described in the book of Hebrews became not only a necessity for future benefits, but became a life or death matter as the church through its political maneuverings became more and more powerful.
So as I see it "faith" or uncritical acceptance of a jealous and murderous and contradictorally loving Deity is losing ground as a mind controlling device, but is still being used by those of the who preach the word for a livelihood but with less and less success on the more informed.