I don't think it's boring at all, I LOVE reading these dialogues. Please post more when you can (but also... please do be aware that these are very telling and incriminating for anyone who might recognize you...)
Just keep it up.
by BonaFide 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think it's boring at all, I LOVE reading these dialogues. Please post more when you can (but also... please do be aware that these are very telling and incriminating for anyone who might recognize you...)
Just keep it up.
BF, fascinating stuff man.
I love it! Bonafide, just keep chipping away.
Chalam, you are one brilliant, Spirit-filled dude.
You are so right; if you're going to adhere to one aspect of the Law, then you should adhere to all of it.
I've tried to figure out why He didn't want certain things mixed, and I've come up with just one answer: PURITY.
How about the rest of you?
Thanks everyone, it makes it a little less frustrating when I hear your comments and suggestions. Regarding this person, she has been a friend for years, and she would never "turn me in" as she HATES what she sees some of my family members doing. She was just telling me to be careful for my own sake. I will keep it cool the next time I talk to her, so that she doesn't get suspicious.
So your valid but inconvenient point about beards was never answered in the discussion. JWs can be such unidimensional thinkers.
Picking and choosing OT to fit their needs. This is a point that I've often cited, but everyone would disagree and fall back to "The Society states........" It used to especially annoy me when they would cite OT scriptures regarding the District conventions, and why it's a requirement on our part to attend.
They go round and round in circles and more or less say the same thing - whatever the WT says is what we should do & if you don't then you're fucked.
You made some great points Bonafide. I thought your conversation was pretty interesting, and wow... do I ever get sick of people saying "its in the bible," or "the bible says so". UGHH!! If JW's followed every single thing in the bible my sister and I would have been sold into slavery a long time ago... There is sooo much picking and choosing just like with any other fundamental-looney toon-armaggedon-is-a-coming-sinners-repent-repent-repent-- religion. Well, all religions actually. Maybe you will make her think about that "picking and choosing" of what scriptures to follow. What is with mean elders??? I knew a few of those too.... Hmmm, seems as if they aren't following scripture to closely if they are being mean to a fellow witness....
I got my ears pierced when I was eighteen, and still relatively active at the Kingdom Hall. But I didn't get the traditional lobe piercing that is ok to get for JW women, I got my top cartilidge pierced on both ears. Well that kinda raised a ruckus and some sisters told me the piercings were inappropriate, but I could not understand why a piercing that is one and half inches away from where all the other women get it such a big deal.(one elders wife came up and told me "shhh but I think your earrings are cool. :D) Ahhh conform conform conform! I do not miss those squacking biddy's (oops I mean sisters). Also one time I didn't wear panty hose out on service when I had POISON IVY all over my legs with these super nasty and painful hives that oozed oil. Of course some uber zealous pioneer lady had to "talk" to me about my lack of hosiery.... She was actually upset that I was violating our congregations dress code! Unbelievable!!!! PANTY HOSE IS THE WORST INVENTION EVER!!!! I swear, JW dress code is all about being as uncomfortable as possible...And I am never ever ever wearing a floral print dress again in my life...or panty hose TAKE THAT Jdubs!! :D
Sorry about the tangent!!
Welcome, Flarke!
i know what those conversations are like. It always feels to me anyway that the person your speaking to has ceased to be themsleves and is just speaking as a mouthpiece for the organization. They all say the same reasonings like the drama this past assembly ,so scarey it could have been a scene from my living room when i was 15