I had one of those discussions this weekend - Am I getting anywhere?

by BonaFide 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BonaFide

    Last week during Bible highlights, a sister commented on Leviticus 19:28 about not having a tattoo. I also commented, saying that we are not under the Law, but the principle should be taken into consideration.

    A sister I don't speak with very often called me. She is in the same congregation as some of my family. She knows they don't talk to me hardly anymore. So we start talking about stuff, and I brought up the Bible highlights. I started off by saying how in Bible times, people tattooed the name of false Gods on their body, so that's why Jehovah said no tattoos. But that is a principle, not a law. Here's what happened:

    Bonafide: So, anyway, tattoos are a conscience matter

    R: Well, the article was pretty clear, and the Bible is clear, it says no tattoos.

    B: Yes, but we are not under the law, look at the verse preceding it, it says not to cut your beard. So we can't pick and choose what verses we want to.

    R: Right, but suppose a Witness gets a tattoo, and then they go to the door, the person will think we are affiliated with a gang or something.

    B: Or will they think "Wow, the Witnesses actually enjoy diversity. That's great!"

    R: Well, I don't think it's right to have a tattoo.

    B: Yes, and you have a right to your opinion

    R: But, it's in the Bible

    B: Yes, and it also says not to cut your beard, and to sacrifice animals when you sin. So we can't pick and choose.

    R: Well, it seems to me that tattoos give a certain impression

    B: Yes, to you, but what about to others? Maybe it will give a good impression

    R: You know Bonafide, you better be careful, I mean your family says you say strange things, and now you are saying tattoos are OK.

    B: No, actually, I don't like tattoos for myself, I would never get one, but that's just my opinion, the Bible doesn't say not to. And isn't it great that the Organization lets us use our own conscience?

    R: I would be careful who I say things to. Didn't you have a problem awhile back with the WT study you had at your house? Your family was saying you were very negative.

    B: Well, what happened was that I read quotes in the WT study, but it didn't say who said it or when. So I looked up those quotes on Google, and found out who they were, and was the whole paragraph of what they said, and some people got mad at me. They said that we should never do research like that, that Jehovah knows what we need.

    R: Yes, but, OK, but you better be careful. I like research too, but if we are negative towards the Society, we can get into trouble. Because its the Faithful Slave.

    B: Well, facts aren't negative or positive, right? Facts are facts, that's it. And we are supposed to be like the Bereans and examine the scriptures, unless you think we shouldn't.

    R: Yes, we should, but you can give the wrong impression sometimes.

    B: Ok, I will be careful.

    The conversation went on for over an hour, I will include some more maybe later, or maybe its boring for you all, but I am trying to reach people, and it is not easy. Just getting people to think is so hard. This sister has had a lot of problems with mean elders, and she is angry, so she is listening a lot, plus we are good friends. We will see.

    Any comments?


  • lurk3r

    I started off by saying how in Bible times, people tattooed the name of false Gods on their body, so that's why Jehovah said no tattoos.

    Hello BF. I never heard this before, where is this brought out? thank you.

  • InOregon

    I like to read about your conversations you have with others. Keep 'em coming! But she sure summed it up....'we can get into trouble if our research is negative towards the Society'. I think most witnesses don't want to do real research because they don't what to be confronted with the possibility of finding something the WTS will not agree with.

  • cognac

    Don't you just want to bang your head against the wall after those types of conversations???

  • cognac

    Don't you just want to bang your head against the wall after those types of conversations???

  • Kudra

    I think your discussions are interesting. Even if I don't have a lot to comment on about them I (and many others probably) think them over and decide how we'd respond to similar conversations when they inevitably happen with our own family and friends...

  • BonaFide

    Awake, Sep 22nd, 2003. Page 26.

    "Significantly, the Mosaic Law forbade God’s people to tattoo themselves. Said Leviticus 19:28: "You must not make cuts in your flesh for a deceased soul, and you must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah." Pagan worshipers, such as the Egyptians, tattooed the names or symbols of their deities on their breast or arms. By complying with Jehovah’s ban on tattoo markings, the Israelites would stand out as different from other nations.—Deuteronomy 14:1, 2."

  • lurk3r

    Thank you VM

  • Jadeen

    I got a tat a couple of years after I stared to fade. It's a bird design that I came up with. I think of birds as symbols of freedom. I got it as a reminder to myself to quit looking to the past and wishing I could change things.

    And no, I don't think that your conversation was boring! Maybe your friend will start thinking about what she's being taught at the hall.

  • Virgochik

    "The Society" and the "Faithful Slave" sounds like something from the SciFi Channel. They are truly hypnotized not to see what a cult this is!

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