Sometimes I feel like I am going crazy with the WT teachings

by verystupid77 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • verystupid77

    I went to the meetings this week because we have the CO's visit. I have not been in about five months. Oh my God some of the stuff you just cannot make this stuff up.

    OK so like many of us I feel that there have been things done that are wrong in the "truth". Mostly about child abuse and how it is handled, or not handled.

    OK so this last meeting the CO goes on about discipline. This is where I feel like I am going crazy. He sites Hebrews 12: 6,11. Verse 11 says "True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous, yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely righteousness."

    OK so here is where I feel like I am going crazy. In what I can only call twisted words or double talk, it was like OK so maybe the elders do things that are not perfect and they discipline you but Jehovah is using them right? So what if you get disciplined and you feel it was unjust do you get bitter and hurt and upset. Do you let your feelings over what YOU felt unjust make you stop servicing Jehovah. Jehovah using the elders to help you ONLY because he loves you. So if they the elders offer you discipline even if you feel it is unjust or unfair Jehovah is only allowing that to happen because he loves you. So are you going to get your feelings hurt or are you going to take the discipline that Jehovah is allowing you to get and know that it came form Jehovah.

    I do not know but I just feel like I am going crazy. It just does not add up. It is like it scrambles my mind and I just cannot get a clear thought to from for hours after listening to this. I am like so OK if the discipline that is given is done wrongly, given in anger. If we are say disfellowshipped unjustly we still need to accept it because Jehovah has allowed it and Jehovah wants us to learn from it because Jehovah see a weakness in us.

    OK am I not getting something here. I just feel like I am going crazy.

  • fokyc

    I went to the meetings this week because we have the CO's visit.

    I didn't go last week because we had the CO's visit and I am just as mixed up.

    Don't worry, just give it all up.


  • carla

    The topic has been discipline? would that include parenting a non jw child? my jw has been making life rather difficult for our non jw child lately and I can only chalk it up to something going on at the meetings and hope they move on to something else soon.

    If jah was using the elders they wouldn't get so many things wrong would they? and for the local jw's here that will answer that the Apostles got things wrong all I can say is that you and the wt are wrong about that too. The Apostles may have asked questions directly to Jesus but they did not go out and teach false prophecies or teachings contrary to Christ.

    Your not crazy, nothing coming out of the wt in NY is coming from God.

  • oompa

    now now stupid77.....calm down.......this is not just happen to be a witch

    how do we know?.......we can hold you underwater, and if you are not a witch.......if you do not drown...for sure you are a witch and we will burn you at the stake..............

    you gotta shut your mind down to this loop crap and NOW!!......people also go to the loony bin for trying to figure out how god always there had to be SOMETHING that made god....but who made that person that made god.....HELP!!!..........oompa

  • mouthy

    VERYSMART77 Listen to Granny!!You are not going crazy...
    The CO gives an excellent talk.I am sure.
    Some of it made you think" Is it me?that is wrong?"
    MY GOD!!!! Is NOT the same GOD as the Jehovahs Witnesses
    MY GOD ,tells you by our conscience what is right & wrong.
    but because you are limping on two opinions,it is confusing.
    Yes discipline is good from the right sources.But YOU KNOW
    now the earthly men at the Kingdom Hall are just that MEN!!!
    If God has no favorites! & we are told HE DONT!!! Why would
    he only tell THEM what is right & wrong & not us whom he also LOVES!Please just rest in the LORD,I am concerned about you,, so I am going
    to do my thing,those who want to stone me ,wait till I have finished.PLEASE" Father Creator of the Heavens & Earth.I come before you & ask for my sister
    who is feeling confused.Please guide ,lead, direct her thinking,let her realize
    YOU are with her.Send her the HOLY SPIRIT within her, Give her the PEACE
    that comes from trusting in YOU NOT men .I ask this in the name above ALL others
    Jesus Christ. Amen"

  • DaCheech

    gotta love it, according to our CO, jehovah also used "expectations" like 1975 to discipline us.

    gotta love the spinmeisters up there.

    I am so happy for this site, I would have gone crazy myself not having someone else validate my findings.

    example: you're in a room with a 100 people, and you're the only one hearing a fly..... you start swatting around or asking others.... they look at you funny

    and say "there is no fly, relax" because they've been brainwashed to ignore the flies.

  • Chalam

    Hi vs77,

    I do not know but I just feel like I am going crazy. It just does not add up. It is like it scrambles my mind and I just cannot get a clear thought to from for hours after listening to this. I am like so OK if the discipline that is given is done wrongly, given in anger. If we are say disfellowshipped unjustly we still need to accept it because Jehovah has allowed it and Jehovah wants us to learn from it because Jehovah see a weakness in us.

    OK am I not getting something here. I just feel like I am going crazy.

    No, what is happening to you sounds perfectly normal. Either you listen to the voice of reason and get out of there or you stay and soak up the lies.

    The first option may not be pleasant but at least you won't have the equivalent of a slow lobotomy.

    Jesus said this

    John 14:6 (New International Version)

    6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    Clearly the WT is a lie so the real Jesus isn't hanging out in the kingdom halls.

    All the best,


    P.S. BTW, God did not make you very stupid but quite awesome Psalm 139 :)

  • Quandry

    If we are say disfellowshipped unjustly we still need to accept it because Jehovah has allowed it

    Yes, no matter what type of questions they ask, what you are accused of, how you are treated....just because Jehovah didn't come down from heaven and stop the meeting, you must swallow it.

    There have been many posters that described "spiritual bullies" who berated and humiliated persons. Also there have been many posters that were disfellowshipped that wrote letter after letter to get "back in" and were treated in a cruel manner.

    Some of these men are on a power trip.....but we need to "accept it because Jehovah has allowed it."

    Those are the exact words used by the chairman of the appeal committee after my teen daughter was disfellowshipped, accused of things she didn't do, and treated horribly.

  • leftbelow

    Your not crazy, they are!

    But it's hard to sit there and listen to that crap and then realize (at least for me) that I used to believe that. The further away you get the more bizarre it seems.

  • Gayle

    They cunningly manipulate scripture, to manipulate you,, to make you yield to them, to become a slave of a printing organization. Their 'peaceable' fruit is a numbing and dumbing of your mind. Your feelings of 'crazy' is because your free mind and conscience is detecting danger. You can grow to trust yourself by reading books to help unscramble those Watchtower 'scrambles.' Suggestion: read "Crises of Conscience" for a start. Others here will suggest several other books.

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