If I join the organization and decide to leave at a later time, will this be without consequence? Will my JW friends still be my friends?
Quickfire Questions to ask JW's at your door?
by ThomasCovenant 34 Replies latest jw friends
I like that question, very simple, to the point!
Ask them to prove, from the Bible, that the FDS was chosen by Jesus in 1918/9 .
I have asked two Elders,one Mini Serv and one sister this question,they all promised to get back to me, none have.
Blimey Wobble - the amount of times I've heard the ''I DO know, but will need to get back to you'' (obviously, as the answer is never in the Bible, lol - and they don't return, as they DON'T know the answer)
"Do you have proof that without a doubt, 100% positively you are the one true religion?"
I agree that it is necessary to show a bit of interest, or they will tab you as an opposer and make their escape ..
Is it true that everything you believe is from the Bible?
Can you show me where in the Bible it says unequivocally that you must not smoke tobacco?
They may say that this is not a major doctrine, but it is major enough to get people that I know disfellowshipped and in theory lose their salvation....
keyser soze
Ask them the last time they've been with a woman.
hee hee hee... um, keyser, the last 2 JWs at my door were women. Now THAT would be funny to ask them that!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Act interested. You have a question that "celebrated JW scholars" can probably answer from one of their pieces of litteratrash (okay, don't use that particular word).
Isn't the diversity of "creation" marvelous? So many different animals, men are still discovering. However, how would a "celebrated JW scholar" explain the flood of Noah's day? Was the Noachian flood literal and global? Yes? Kangaroos must have been in Noah's ark, right? But how did they disembark and travel all the way to Australia, and only Australia, without leaving any kangaroos or fossils behind in the Middle East or Asia or anywhere?
If they look in the Reasoning Book, they're clueless.
Mr Fool
I like these questions;
1."Which is more innocent, living open-minded with many questions? Or living in a conviction with many answers?" Then take a look at Mattw 18:3-4.
2. "Shall we pray to Jehovah in the name of Jesus?" Joh 15:16
3. "Who knows everything?" Joh 16:30 Answer is "Jesus"
4. "How shall we be saved?" Acts 16:30 Answer is "believing in Jesus"
Mr Fool
What about this: "- If I shall have any chance to enter Paradise, do I HAVE TO recognize Watchtower as the channel of God? Or is it not necessary?