Quickfire Questions to ask JW's at your door?

by ThomasCovenant 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chalam

    "Jesus said this John 14:6 (New International Version)

    6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    "Are you actually witnessing about Jesus or Jehovah?"

    All the best,


  • JeffT

    Last time they were at the door I told them I didn't pay attention to a religion that didn't believe that Jesus is their mediatior. Guy told me had it all wrong. I told him which Watchtowers to go look in, then he could get back to me. He never came back, so I don't know if he looked. I hope I started some questions in his mind.

  • asilentone

    You could say "Someone told me about Theocratic Warfare Strategy, if you do not mind, would you please explain what it means?" You just never know it might plant some kind of seed, they might look at the internet search engine about Theocratic Warfare Strategy.

  • parakeet

    "By allowing children to die when a blood transfusion could have saved them, your religion appears to value the symbol of life more than life itself. Please explain how this is pleasing to a God of love."

  • androb31

    If God’s battle of Armageddon where to occur tonight, do you know for sure you will survive?

    At what point in your religion are you assured of eternal life? Are you saved after “taking in knowledge” of all of God’s requirements? After joining the Watchtower organization and trying to “endure to the end”? At what point do you have assurance?

    If you survive Armageddon into God’s new system, are you guaranteed eternal life at that point or must you continue to strive to prove faithful through the 1000-year reign of Christ? At what point can you be sure you will not do something that will cause you to be destroyed?

    If Jesus died for all of our sins, what sin can we commit that will cause us to lose the eternal life He gives (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24)? If there is nothing we can do to earn eternal life, how can anything we do cause us to lose it (Ephesians 2:8-9)? Do you have eternal life right now (John 5:24; 6:47)? If eternal life is eternal, how can one lose it (John 10:28-29)?

    From http://www.4witness.org/jehovahs_witness/jw_witness.php

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Don't bother with quick fire questions. The person at the door is either a robobot or they're killing time. Either way there is no possibility for human interaction.

    Do everyone a favor and don't answer the door. The last time they left a magazine at our door my daughter took a video of the burning of the magazine. She says it's on YouTube somewhere.

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Ask them is it true that during your Watchtower Study that there

    have been articles that delt with oral sex and there were children

    in the audience.

    Ask them why it is permissible to have baby showers to celebrate the

    coming birth of a child, but when the baby is born that you can not

    celebrate its birthday.

    Ask them why the Watchtower when there are pictures of Paradise

    never show the inside of the houses.

    Ask them if God is going to destroy 99.9% of mankind at Armegeddon?

    They will say no, so why should people become a JW?

    Ask them in the resurrection, will the people be copies of who they were

    when they died? If God can make one copy can he make two? If he

    makes two then who is the real person?

    Sour Grapes

  • androb31

    Ask if independant thinking is still against their religion...

    How come no one has ever become a Jehovah's Witness by just reading the Bible?

    If you were on the wrong road, would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting it?

    Have you ever wondered why Jehovah's Witnesses are instructed to ask this question of others but told they must never ask it of themselves?

    Why is it vital for everyone else to question their religion but forbidden for you as a Jehovah's Witness to question yours?

  • Chalam

    Hi Sour Grapes and welcome aboard!

    Some interesting questions :)

    Ask them is it true that during your Watchtower Study that there

    have been articles that delt with oral sex and there were children

    in the audience.

    The answer to this is the same reason that pedophiles are running rampant all over the organisation.

    Ask them why it is permissible to have baby showers to celebrate the

    coming birth of a child, but when the baby is born that you can not

    celebrate its birthday.

    No good reason.

    Ask them why the Watchtower when there are pictures of Paradise

    never show the inside of the houses.

    Dunno! Pass.

    Ask them if God is going to destroy 99.9% of mankind at Armegeddon?

    They will say no, so why should people become a JW?

    Why will they say no? Don't they believe this is true?

    Ask them in the resurrection, will the people be copies of who they were

    when they died? If God can make one copy can he make two? If he

    makes two then who is the real person?

    The one with the spirit in it

    James 2:26 (New International Version)

    26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

    Anyhow, look forward to my results and the answer to the question I passed on :)

    All the best,


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Here is a web page with lots of stumper questions for the jw's.


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