Do you know six beer end to end is actually quite looonnng ? that would make john 6 beer long... not short !! ...
Minimus vs John Doe
by FlyingHighNow 62 Replies latest jw friends
That xray is giving me sympathy pains. Time to call it a night.
Where is Minimus right now? Probably dreaming of his next question:
Here's that missing 6 beers of john's
Where is Minimus right now? Probably dreaming of his next question
: I see he's not in his offfice right nowwhen he's in there it's all down to business no time for sh..... well nothing else I mean ...
He's likely catching up on paper work !!!!
Oh no look he's about to give birth to a new litter of questions !!
Here's a question for you.. what do you call this in the picture to the left ? Question mark fatique......
Love them both in different ways
(have a feeling I may come to regret this comment, hm)
I've never thought to compare the two
The comparison comes in because they each do threads everyday, usually asking a pondering question.
But the favor of each is so different that comparing them never crossed my mind...
Oh, just a side note, I would win in the foot size department - at least on the female side.