Do you know the real purpose of the Society?

by compound complex 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    The purpose of the Watchtower Society, as with any and all other organizations since the dawn of time, is self-preservation. Any other purposes and goals take a back seat to that.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is difficult to get to the real purpose of WTS. Many upper management types think it really is God's organization. Some are able to accept withholding information and threatening the members with shunning or anything to perpetuate the organization. But perpetuation only makes sense if someone is really benefiting.

    The real purpose of the WTS is self-perpetuation in order to keep lawyers, accountants, suppliers in the cash and to keep the upper management big guys in positions of glory, able to hop on jets to go anywhere and receive praise and green handshakes.

  • isaacaustin

    so Freddie admits that they preach a different gospel than paul preached.

  • Heaven

    The sole purpose of our existence as a Society is to announce the Kingdom established in 1914 and to sound the warning of the fall of Babylon the Great. We have a special message to deliver.

    So they've done this. Thanks for coming out, WTS! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    The purpose of the WBTS is and always has been to form an independent nation of constituents who are given boundries, a sense of superiority, as well as recognition ... as a place in the spotlight for those who are unable to compete or otherwise contribute to the modern world.

  • civicsi00

    When Freddie said what he said that morning in Bethel, he said it because he really meant it. He felt that that was the true purpose of the Society, and everything else was 2nd rate. Since he had been around since before 1914, I'd venture to say that most JW's respected and adored him, some calling him "the oracle" (I never met the man, but I still held him in high esteem when I was a JW).

    Now that he's gone, the current leadership has no "oracle" and they're truly lost. I think there's an underlying fear of losing the whole flock, that's why there's been such an emphasis on deifying the GB. Without something to work towards, like an end date, the current GB is appealing to fear and tyranny to keep it together. Without that fear of the GB, every JW would be lost. They don't know how to have a real, spiritual, private relationship with their Creator.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks so much for responding. Your comments are really something else.



  • Quirky1

    I'm still trying to figure it out..What is the "real" purpose of the society? I give up...

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    In the eyes of the Society, its purpose is to make money.

    In the eyes of the Witnesses its purpose is to dispense

    spiritual food and get them thru the Great Tribulation.

    Sour Grapes

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    To make money through literature sales, " The Society " is actually a religious publishing company that creates

    sales and its wealth $$$ by the pursuing indoctrination of its members by use of subjective fear and coercion.

    Thats the hidden real agenda and it has been this way since the first Professional salesman started it over century ago. ( C.T. Russell )

    The information from a top the Watchtower was bullshit but nevertheless it did indeed sold well

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