Do you know the real purpose of the Society?

by compound complex 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman

    ... Topics must relate to the 19th century "history" theme of this site, and must NOT speak negatively of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Society, or the "Pioneers".

    That's going to be pretty hard to do, since the truth about the Society's origins will tend to reflect negatively upon the organization. As they study the history of the Society, are they allowed to mention all the silly teachings and false prophecies?

  • Farkel

    : The sole purpose of our existence as a Society is to announce the Kingdom established in 1914 and to sound the warning of the fall of Babylon the Great. We have a special message to deliver .

    Freedie lied about everything else, so why are we to believe this bullshit.

    The purpose of the existence as a Society is more clearly shown in their works than in their blathering. The REAL sole purpose of the WTS is exactly the same as their fundamental doctrine:

    "The Governing Body speaks for God."

    Everything else they say and do stems from that. The 1914 doctrine may change, but their fundamental doctrine won't.


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