Have you heard of the Field Service Application on the I-phone for JW's?

by awildflower 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • awildflower

    Ok, so I'm technically challenged and I don't use the I-Phone, but my 19 year old son does and he just showed me this application for jw's and keeping track of their field service! It shows maps, keeps track of time, addresses , even how to e-mail time to three different addresses!...............here's the thing: How many jw's would know about this if we have always been encouraged to not get to involved in technology. They would dog technology but I'll bet they will use this on an assembly someday to show how Jehovah has blessed them and look at the new tool he has given them and aren't we special. I can't believe this.

    I didn't stop to check if this has been talked about already, forgive me if it has. Anyone else heard of it? My son says it's pretty cool and it almost makes him want to be a jw just to use it!

  • jwfacts

    I just did a search and found two different applications - MyTime and Field Service Assistant. Shame I don't put in my hours anymore. They look like great apps, include maps and full contact management for return visits.

    A few of the comments about it say how great it is but here is a typical JW one:

    "This app has been well thought out and would work very well in the field.. In saying that I have done some research on this subject and found that: For some years now the Society has recommended that record keeping for Field Service should be completed on the "house to house rocord" slips and NOT kept electronically on a computer or electronic device.With that in mind, using this application is a matter for each persons conscience. I for my part have decided not to use this application. Before doing so it might be a good idea to do some research into this matter, ask Jehovah for help, maybe ask the Elders for their knowledge on the subject and as a last resort only, contact the Society."

    I hate that term "conscience matter" AKA "it is not forbidden but you are a weak witness if you do it.

  • MrsPeaches

    hahaha i am going to look them up tonight. are they free applications or are the 'brothers' profiting from the applications?

  • awildflower

    Good question. Who came up with this anyway? All I know is the org will use it as a bragging point! jwfacts, I hate that term to "it's a conscience matter", but if your conscience doesn't match ours.........they let you know it by how your treated...........wf

  • insearchoftruth

    Saw the same...amazing......

  • blondie

    Individual jws have developed software for many jw activities, scheduling the school for one, although the WTS says not to do this. I have seen some for scheduling public talks. handling territories, loading publisher cards. All nonsanctioned by the WTS. It show how "obedient" many jws aren't.

  • insearchoftruth
    although the WTS says not to do this

    Why would they not want the individual to do this, you think simplifying things would open up more time for service and activity to the org.....

  • blondie

    They don't want sensitive information to be online or on an electronic device...jw persecutors could get it...that's what I was told. Some get around this by keeping their database separate from their hard drive connected to the internet...but it is still outside the WTS rules. The WT-CD came out about the time that many jws were sharing the bound volumes and books that they had put online and were sharing with out jws...the biggest offenders were the elders. The WTS was afraid that this personal databases could be corrupted.

    Don't want the authorities getting easy access to the list of names and addresses, phone numbers of the elders.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks Blondie, that makes some sense....

  • winstonchurchill

    Our TMS Overseer uses a program he downloaded from the internet. The thing keeps track and controls the whole process. Pretty cool if you ask me.

    Also the secretary uses downloaded software to keep all the cong. records. Indeed I know fro a fact that fellow elders have frown upon this, but he sticks to his guns an even CO's have told him nothing wrong with that.

    Also CO's use computers to prepare and store their reports and letters. I did that, and the official WT position was that it shouldn't be done, but we did it anyway.

    This is an area where disobedience is widespread amongst JW's.

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