SPike- I am confused. Are you baptized? If not, why would they announce you are not one of JWs? If you were and then were removed the announcement to my knowledge is "So and so is no longer one of JWs..." Correct me if I am mistaken.
Jehovah explained by WT
by PSacramento 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Spike Tassel
Getting back into anyone's "good graces" does not take groveling, in my honest opinion. It does take honest communication using methods which each side finds trustworthy.
Spike Tassel
My "baptism" as one of JWs is considered invalid.
The JW's made an issue of the name of God, no one else did, they proclaim that they are the true organization based on, amongst other, fact that they use the Lord's name when, in fact, it is NOT the Lord's name and is, at best, a translation of YHWH and Adonai.
Its not a question of God wanting his name used or not, name has far more to it than the letters that comprise it, it is the fact that the use of the term Jehovah is MADE an issue by JW's, now I ask this:
Is the use, or non-use, of the name Jehovah basis for salvation, yes or no?
Invalid? Why? Was it at a church after 1919? If that is the case wouldn't you simply never be considered baptized?
Spike now I feel bad for you. Why are you letting those bozos beat you into submission?
Spike Tassel
Isaac, it's simply a matter of a network of misunderstandings and lack of their written assistance such as e-mail might accomplish.
don't let them bully you Spike.
Spike Tassel
PSacramento asks:— Is the use, or non-use, of the name Jehovah basis for salvation, yes or no?
Going one way, my answer is more nuanced than that. The first way I think of, we might take John 17 as my starting point regarding this. John 17:6 refers to God's name, which we know in English as Jehovah (etc.). John 17:3 states that everlasting life is obtained by the on-going process of taking in knowledge of Jehovah, the true God, and of the one whome He sent forth, Jesus Christ. Then we can use Romans 10, which discusses the whole process of how that accurate knowedge comes and what type of person that makes such a disciple (learner). Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 and Philippians 4, among many, many others add necessary details on the positive. And then, there are the warnings to balance out, such as contained in the Sermon on the Mount and the things that can cause one to be disinherited from the Kingdom.
Going a simpler way, we can use Jesus' words about loving Jehovah with heart, soul, mind, and strength as well as our neighbour (with all the possibilities that "neighbour" may imply) as ourselves. I would add Romans 12 to this mix.
Either way, I believe that Jehovah's name is and ought to be fundamentally important to every disciple of the Bible (both in spirit and in truth). Learning all about Jehovah's name (the spirit and the truth about it in all its manifestations) is but one of the facets to gaining salvation from sin and death. On-going discussions such as this one allow the various participants and onlookers allow for a deepening of our relationship with Jehovah and Jesus, which I suggest to be the crux of it all for each and everyone, whether on this board or not.
While I appreciate and agree with your post, it doesn't answer my question.
Not to be an ass but, does the WT teach that uttering the name Jehovah is needed for salvation?