Does Science support the Bible in regards the history of man?

by Bethelite Elder 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt
    LWT, that is great, where did you find that?

    Kudra, or someone on here posted it the other day. I simply went to Google Images and searched for "Jesus on a dinosaur" and found it.

  • Cadellin


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I would say read Genesis and see if it seems like a historical account to you. Once I was out the WT it became obvious to me that Genesis is not history.

  • WTWizard

    Science might not always be accurate, but at least it has corrections built into it.

    The Bible, on the other hand, has no corrections. In fact, it was built to punish anyone that might try to examine if anything in it is actually true--the Bible lies, and then tells you under hell threats to believe those lies.

  • RR

    Interestingly, chronology points to man (Adam and Eve) about 6 to 7,000 years. While Scvience claims man has been on earth for 10s of millions of years, they admit that "civilized" man has been on earth for about 6, 7 thousand years.


  • rebel8
  • truthseeker

    And therein lies the problem.

    Man is older than the Biblical Adam and yet it was Paul who said at Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned"

    So wouldn't anyone living before the time of Adam be perfect and still among us today?

  • villabolo

    The Neolithic age alone started anywhere from 6,000 BC to 9,500 BC (8 to 11 thousand years ago) depending on the region.

    Anatomically modern human beings(Homo Sapiens) go back about 150,000 years ago, although some would consider present humanity as a subspecies. Push it further back in time to Homo Erectus-and I'm skipping a few species-and you are at the 1 million year mark.

  • Farkel


    What's the big deal? RR was only off by a factor of 32 or a mere 190,000 years with his comment as to when modern man arrived on the scene.


    However, to be fair, recorded (written) history is not much older than what RR stated.


  • rebel8

    Farkel, you're right, I'm just being picky.

    truthseeker, that's a very good point!

    I have traced my lineage. I'm a descendent of one of the pre-sin people.

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