I will not debate point by point, I said what I said and mean it to the very bone of my being about Christianity. It is what it is to eyes open. I will make it clear though, I feel everyone has a right to a choice ... I am just not going to choose Christianity. Please, do not turn your anger and supposed new understanding of the faith. in to questions that have me wondering, "Are Witnesses Christians?" I have been on former Witness boards for over a decade and seen and heard everything and all aspect. I am starting to post more again, but in the past I had phases under different posting names before this one where I posted tons and tons.
Why I can see no reason to believe in Christianity
by free2beme 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Any religion that believes in a talking snake has got to be worth more than a passing interest.
Me neither.
It is based 100% on child sacrifice.
Please don't deny it.
Thomas Covenant
Deputy Dog
Please, do not turn your anger and supposed new understanding of the faith.
I have never been a JW, and I'm not angry at you or the JWs.
The Bible... an archaic book written for archaic men. Although I use the word 'written' lightly, since most of it was 'borrowed' from other, much older, maybe even wiser, religions... false religions according to that same Bible... oh the irony...
Borrowed is a great term, the Christians are the image of Borrowers in all history ... see it, learn it, copy it and make it sacred!
To add. People on former Witnessed boards, who were never JW's ... have hidden agendas! Always and forever! They always want to set us poor loss souls straight. Oh, but they will never admit that ... no, never ... how dare you think such a thing. I have seen that BS repeat itself so much on these boards over the years.
Deputy Dog
To add. People on former Witnessed boards, who were never JW's ... have hidden agendas! Always and forever! They always want to set us poor loss souls straight. Oh, but they will never admit that ... no, never ... how dare you think such a thing. I have seen that BS repeat itself so much on these boards over the years.
My agendas are open and straight forward, nothing hidden. I don't blame you for feeling ripped off, angry and cynical. And I've seen that BS repeat itself on these boards also, over the years. But, you're never wrong... no, never.
I guess you can't imagen that anyone like me, could have good friends or family, hurt by a cult like the WT.
I can still be astonished that some people think we have stepped away from Christianity because we've in some way been hurt or offended or made angry. No on all 3 counts.
I accept that many members of my family subscribe to Christian beliefs of one kind or another. They're entitled to believe in this without their motives being scrutinzed. Similarly, I'm entitled to not believe in it without my motives being scrutinized. Contrary to what the Watchtower and other orgniazations teach, the "truth" or otherwise of belief systems does not reside in motives; that is, something isn't made true - or false - because of how someone "feels" or doesn't "feel".
The "truth" is bigger that feelings or convictions one way or the other.
I have never been a JW, and I'm not angry at you or the JWs.
I did not know this.
Deputy Dog
I just sent you a PM about my "Hidden" agenda.