Well It depends on what you mean. This body is starting to wear out. so I'm looking forward to the next.
Poll Question: Would you personally want to live forever?
by The Berean 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ismael, it is hot, dry, and windy on this side. It is also surprisingly calm for a holiday weekend.
You will get to be 100, barring accidents or a near term onset of something bad like cancer or a heart attack. There is some amazing new medicine waiting in the wings.
Let's hope so!
Yes I would like to live forever. BurnTheShips those amazing meds waiting in the wings are already here. Deprenyl Citrate, fifty percent extension of life span.
I would have to say yes! As it is we have no choice as to when we die. If we lived forever at least we could choose when we are done living, and then go off ourselves in th back yard :P
i think so........i love sci-fi so would explore the universe....we may all end up like Q on star trek..........oompa
Me too. I have already asked the Lord to show me round the universe :)
Looking forward to spending some time with Dad and the family.
Gonna be great! Life on this earth gets tiring every now and then. All the pain, strife, bickering and fighting. Looking forward to an end to that for sure :)
Anyhow, gonna make the most of it whilst I am here. This life is like a drop in the ocean compared with eternity.
All the best,
youd be insane not to want to live forever. We dont even scratch the surface individually. thankfully, collectively we have gained more as a species :)
I don't think it's a desire of mine anymore. But I do not want to die when I am 35 either.
Poll Question: Would you personally want to live forever?
The question brings more questions.
1. Was is the life on offer like? Is it more of the same, else something better or something worse?
2. What is the alternative?
We demand answers before we cast our vote!
All the best,
Not interested in living forever in the slightest.