Anyone ever 'effectively' protest Jehovah's Witnesses?

by AK - Jeff 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ever hold a peaceful protest outside a convention, Kingdom Hall, or otherwise, that had any serious positive outcome?

    What have you found effective in reaching your former brothers and sisters, without coming off as a nafarious 'opposer of Jehovah'?

    This is asked in all seriousness, as my opinion is that most efforts fail nearly 100%. As have most of mine.

    We all put a lot of energy into our past history and trying to expel our pain and injury here on the board. Some demonstrate effort off this board to aid others to escape the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses. In the spirit of making that a successful use of energy and effort, please share your real life experience, positive or negative in this regard. Many are leaving every day - most of them will spend enormous amounts of energy and time trying to aid others to see the 'truth about the truth' - can we help them to find ways to use that energy wisely?


  • whyizit

    I do have a couple of ideas:

    More people learning how to ask thought provoking questions (in a kind way) at the door.

    Bill boards right at the entrance of KH's. Not only would JWs get an eye full, so would other passer-by's and visitors who might be toying with the idea of becoming involved. Not to mention JWs who, even though told to avert their eyes, would surely end up reading the info. anyway. It's like telling someone not to think about zebras....

    If you could only enlist the neighbors and get a contract to rent the bill board exclusively forever. Lest the WTS try to interfere. It's a lovely dream!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I'm with you on this, Jeff. I think that protests might have some limited success with newbies, but hardly, and definitely play the role of their self-fulfilled prophetic "persecution."

  • trueblue

    The only thing I can think of is you go some where, where no one knows you, tell no one that you even know anything about Jehovah's Witnesses, change the subject when ever anyone of your new acquantances bring up the subject, and avoid JW's. Definately do not answer any question from a JW.

    Otherwize you are only playing with a double edged sword.

  • mouthy

    Well as you all know I have picketed Brooklyn Bethel, Canadian Bethel,Kingdom Halls, Been on T.V exposing JWs,And many say that was all useless. But it was good for ME!!!!

    I have met a man who came out of Brooklyn & admitted it was something he read on our posters

    that made him think...Then pray,then get another Bible & read it in comparsion ,then leave.

    So I believe if just ONE listened !!!! It was worth it to ME!!!!!

  • carla

    Wasn't it David Reed who left after seeing the apostate signs at a convention? The sign read something to the effect, 'read the bible not the watchtowers'. He and his wife did agree that they (jw's) read more of the wt's than the bible itself and decided to change that, needless to say anyone who actually reads a bible could not stay a jw for long.

  • mraimondi

    "read the bible not the watchtower"

    = impotent

    not nearly good enough.

  • mkr32208

    I disagree mrraimondi- It's usually the SIMPLE things that work. I would imagine that if someone could come up with the money to put up a billboard about JW's just something aimed at the general public and NOT at witnesses it could have a huge impact.

    Maybe a billboard that said something like 'who's knocking on your door while your not there' with a pic of a small child opening a door and a shadowy figure off stage right. And then a link that said 'find out at silent'

    I think that would have a HUGE impact, I would almost bet for every billboard placed 2 or 3 witnesses would leave and HUGE amounts of people would never speak to a witness who might.

  • Yizuman

    Would a question like, "Would Jehovah mislead you if you studied the bible alone without the Watchtower?"

    How does that effect your thinking?

    I think thought provoking questions helps jump start the independent thinking process.


  • mouthy

    Wasn't it David Reed who left after seeing the apostate signs at a convention? The sign read something to the effect, 'read the bible not the watchtowers'. He and his wife did agree that they (jw's) read more of the wt's than the bible itself and decided to change that, needless to say anyone who actually reads a bible could not stay a jw for long.

    Yes I forgot that. It was Penny his wife who said to David "Its true we dont read the bible as much at the WT & then they started reading it ...So that was another one who I have met who came out from picketers. Thanks for reminding me....Carla>

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