Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?

by StoneWall 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • isaacaustin

    of course not spike, If Jesus roles were independednt of Jehovah (the Father), then we would have 2 gods....we have one- the persons of who work in full and perfect harmony OPERATING as one entity.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    We have one true God, and many other gods (Jesus being chief), and the holy scriptures back me in this assertion.

    Also there are several who legitimately have God or god in their titles, as the holy scriptures also prove.

  • PSacramento


    I don't think that anywhere is it ever stated that Jesus is independant of God, far from that, he is in Union with God.

    It is stated that THROUGH Jesus, we will reach God ( Paraphrasing of course).

    As for the New Covenant being one thing and the NT another, no, they are not the same, but you don't have one wihtout the other, do you?

    I mean, there was no NT for quite a while obviously, and the new Covenant was already in place, nevertheless, interpreting the NT one must base it on the New Covenant context.

    As for 'Many Gods and Jesus being the chief of them", well, you are certainly free to interpret it that way, I for one am not a polytheist.

  • mdb
    as a Google search will attest.

    Is Google now judge, revealer of truth and a witness? A Google search also brings up falsehood, error and profanity.

  • RubaDub

    Can't really say that I have.

    Rub a Dub

  • mdb


    Nice profile name. I like it.

  • Farkel

    : Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none.

    That's because God wasn't "formed." God just always "was." If a God was formed, then there must be someone/something doing the forming.

    Actually, trying to understand the real nature of God is an exercise in futility for humans.


  • beksbks

    Where have you been Farkel my love?

  • Farkel


    :Where have you been Farkel my love?

    Well, besides my usual part time job as a serial killer, I've been stalking YOU!!! I shot a few liberals since we last communicated. Needed the practice, you know. ;)

    Oh! I've taken up a new and very rewarding hobby: goal-kicking Chihuahuas. I'm getting pretty good at it, too. It's a very expensive hobby. Chihuahuas don't last more than a round or two.

    Heh, heh. I've been busy with life these last few months, my dear.


  • beksbks


    Though a liberal, I must admit to a desire to goal kick those little yappers myself. Don't tell PETA!

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