Most Detested WT Publication

by Nosferatu 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    What is the WT publication you hated the most (I mean besides ALL of them?). Mine was that faggy pink "Listening to the Great Teacher" book. My mother tried to teach both me and the neighbor's worldly kid lessons from that book, and you know how embarrasing it is for a boy to be put straight by a pink book?

    The second worst was the "Your Youth - Getting The Best Out Of It". That stupid book was far worse than the YPA book. At least the YPA book wasn't so naggy, since they used stories from other JW youth to sugar up the brainwashing. From what I remember, the YY book was much more direct at saying Jehovah hates you when you play with your dinky." At least YPA would say something like "I have struggled with the idea of playing with my dinky, but I know how Jehovah would destroy me if I did." Thanks for the guilt trip kid, but playing with my dinky is more fun than sitting at a hot, smelly JW convention.

    So, to get back on subject, which one did you hate the most?

  • shamus100

    From what I remember, the YY book was much more direct at saying Jehovah hates you when you play with your dinky." At least YPA would say something like "I have struggled with the idea of playing with my dinky, but I know how Jehovah would destroy me if I did." ]

    Put so eloquentley! Congrats -

    I'd say YPA book. Shitty! Or the Relation - It's Grand Climax At Hand! SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY! I'm sorry, but there is no other word to describe it...

  • meangirl

    Definitely the old family life book that was printed in the 60' was soooo demeaning to women. I just remember being 13 and sitting there disgusted when the book said something to the effect "a woman should keep her appereance up as it is hard to feel affection for somebody who is not attractive" and that she should strive to carry on conversation as "if Adam just would've wanted companionship he could've had a dog" or something like that......DISGUSTING!!!!

  • flipper

    NOSFERATU- As a kid I hated sitting for an hour while studying the " Babylon the Great has Fallen book " ! Jeez. The only entertaining thing that happened was when someone would inadvertently fart and break up the monotony and boredom ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Mary

    As bad as the Youth Book was, I think that Babylon the Great still wins hands down for the most detested WT publication ever. Just something about that book that will haunt us all the rest our lives............


    One of my first Childrens Books......"Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained"..........That goofy WBT$ Publication scared the shit out of kids!!


  • jookbeard

    The worst has to be "The lets make the householder sound stupid book;" reasoning from the scriptures, a truly disgusting book , and a publication that caused so much resentment and bad PR .

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I've got to agree with Flipper. Babylon the Great Has Fallen. I thought that book would NEVER end. What a bunch of gibberish.

    And a close second would be Outlaw's nomination-Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained. All of us that looked at the pictures in that book as small children have been permanently warped.

  • villabolo

    Those corny pamphlets with those horrid cartoons (they were worse back in the 60s and 70s).

    I remember, in High School, a classmate of mine asking me for a specific pamphlet by name. When I got it I snuck it in to him while class was in session behind the teachers back. He reached out to grab it and as soon as he saw the illustration on the front cover he broke out laughing saying "Why do you JWs have to be so corny?" I forget the name of the pamphlet but it had a picture of a man reaching out to a bird.

  • Invetigator74

    You thought the "Babylon" book was bad.............Your Will be Done was even worst!!!

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