nice quote Jeff! I'm shocked people other then me and Sham are even looking at this thead...
This is what I've decided to believe...
by cognac 148 Replies latest jw friends
I thought his quote was most inappropriate and above all, off-topic.
AK - Jeff
Sorry - I only looked at the opening post and then posted - thought it fit.
Sham is pulling your leg, Jeff... the last page or so, he and Cognac have been having a dialogue and thought no one else was listening.
I thought his quote was most inappropriate and above all, off-topic.
Well, I was gonna put up with it and just not make him feel bad... I thought it was a bit rood myself... But, you know how Jeff is...
the last page or so, he and Cognac have been having a dialogue and thought no one else was listening.
It's not very nice to eavesdrop... Sham, there are spies here!!!
Sham is pulling your leg, Jeff... the last page or so, he and Cognac have been having a dialogue and thought no one else was listening.
No... I was completely serious.
What's this trashy thread doing bumped up anyways???
What's this trashy thread
Are you calling my thread trashy??? The only trashy one here is you!!!
PS. We really need more smilies here, don't ya think??? I'd really of preferred the smilie that stuch its tongue out... That's the one I would have used instead of the red one... I'm not even sure what the red one is supposed to mean...