Missing School Functions

by WTWizard 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I know that the witlesses are not supposed to go to many school activities. These include after-school sports and competitions, scouting, and other extra-curricular activities and class trips that may last beyond school hours. The most cited excuses (flimsy they may be) are bad associations, the money, time, and the possibility of compromise.

    Now, I wonder how many people have missed field trips that happened during normal school hours because of being witlesses. The last I have heard, field trips (as defined as a trip that the whole grade or class is going on, starting during normal school hours or earlier, and is related to a school subject) are not explicitly banned (that, however, could change--all it takes is a single washtowel article and it becomes another no-no). The most likely excuses are bad associations (as if you weren't getting the same association in class), missing a boasting session or afternoon field circus, the money that belongs in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, and the outside possibility of its including compromise.

    Note that, despite nothing being explicitly said about the subject, some parents are too self-righteous and will go beyond the things written. They just figure that, since holidays and sports are just about forbidden, they might as well do away with these field trips as well. Others are worried that the trips might not end on time (I have had a field trip where I had to be at school at 6:30 in the morning and didn't get back home until 6 PM that evening). That could cut into field circus and/or lead to a missed boasting session. And there are those who think it would "stumble" others if their children were allowed on a field trip, or that it would bother the parents' consciences.

  • winstonchurchill

    JW like black/white good/bad rules. Not too much into thinking and deciding. So you're right about nothing being written explicitly on the subject, it's easier to 'decide' the anything that is not formal classes is not appropriate.

    Many frown upon my wife and I, because we let our kids go in field trips, we attent every PTA, parents night or event the school holds. Our ccrodinator even got mad at me because I asked him to cinduct TMS for me, because I had a 'parents night' at my son's school. He won't confornt me because I'm a feared and respected elder, but he told me "You know attendance is not mandatory for those things?", to which I replied "Neither is mandatory for TMS".

    But what can I say, my kids come first!

  • vikesgirl101

    I was not allowed to go on any overnight field trips while I was growing up. I guess it was the bad association, and missing meetings they were worried about. Funny sidepoint: My older sister babysat alot of my friends growing up. I was always allowed to play with them. Sometimes we had the kids overnight. I think I had my doses of bad association within my home. You know those kids were dangerous with all their care bears and Smurf toys.

  • truthsetsonefree

    My Mom would keep me out all the time. Every school assembly or play she would pull me when I was in grade school. It was pathetic.

  • Gram

    Such a shame -- missing out on field trips such as performing arts centers, concerts and plays, museums, etc. Cultural things that these kids might otherwise never experience. When I was a child my mother allowed me to attend field trips. I remember hearing the Cleveland Orchestra, visiting the Cleveland Art Museum, a working farm, Western Reserve Historical Society, etc. My grandchildren have visited the Getty, the Getty Villa, LA Museum of Art, etc. Very enriching and educational. I get furious when I think about this subject!!! Not participating in back to school night, open house and field trips is wrong, wrong, wrong. I wonder what the school thinks of such hands-off negligent parents? They may view them as uneducated, low-life losers who are not very interested in their child's growth and development.

  • WTWizard

    I believe field trips are as necessary as class itself. There should only be two reasons to miss a field trip: First, the child is sick (enough to stay home from school). Second, if the nature of the trip is such that the child would only be wasting their time going, and the child is old and mature enough to develop such disinterests (for instance, a trip to see Shakespeare in the 11th grade might be a waste of time for the budding scientist, but a second grader would still benefit from the experience itself).

    Parents who routinely deny the permission slips for things like disciplinary matters are losers. Those who do the same for religious reasons really need to examine whether the religion is right for their children (unless the nature of the trip blatantly contradicts the religion, like a Muslim child being required to worship at a Christian church as part of the trip). When I was in school, something like 99% of the trips were cultural or educational. And one that I most enjoyed was a trip to Boston Museum of Science--that was a case where the "everlasting prayer" type event would have been most welcome.

  • missme

    As long as the field trips were during school, I didn't have a problem. With one exception-in 4th grade (in the 70's), I was not allowed to go with my class to visit a fort built in the mid 1800's as an Indian defense. It had been a historical site for a 100 years but I guess was still viewed as gov't/ military to my parents and I couldn't go. I have no doubt any JW would have a problem with touring it today, one of those things that changes after time. It was and still is just benign tourist site.

  • loosie

    I was in a all JW's private school until 7th grade. So I was allowed to on all field trips with my dear brothers and sisters. GAG

  • restrangled

    When I was in school: No games, no parties, no sports, no, nothing, no no no no no! to anything and everything.

    The only time my parents got involved with the school, was when the principal called them in for a conference!

    How could parents be so uninvolved or care less about their kids education?

    I remember I was allowed to go to my 8th grad gradutation dinner party....held at a very high end place in Chicago. Once midnight hit my mom and her best friend were on the road to the restauraunt. There we were sitting, with all our friends having dinner, and these 2 women/monster mom JW's marched in and demanded we get in the car and come home in front of everyone we knew.

    Were we doing anything wrong, no, had we gotten permission yes....just a couple of freaked out JW parents......ready and able to make our lives miserable once again.

  • yknot

    For my field trips, mom would be present but not in total volunteer capacity. If a subject in need of theocratic adjustment then she would be there to present the 'proper' view. She did loads of research too (before CDs!) from the bound Awakes!.

    This ranged from opinions on modest swimwear, appropriatness of artistic nudes, to evolutionary talk and appropriateness of killing for sport with no intention of harvesting the edible provisions.

    In all fairness to my mom, other fundy denomination mom's also behaved this way if the leading teacher was not of a fundy congregation.

    Oddly enough my mom had little qualms over state history but was ardent against federal affiliations. So I got to see the Alamo and Washington on the Brazos (yearly) but the USS Lexington was just wrong wrong wrong wrong (.....or at least until my son was born....he loves big ships and she has taken him aboard at least a dozen times!)

    Good Grief......

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