by Dino 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    Well folks, this is big news!

    Since this UN/WT scandal blew, there have been those who strongly suspected that this association was not the whole picture.

    The UN's reach is worldwide in scope, it goes without saying. And in order for the WT to use the UN for that worldwide clout, an alliance had to be formed that goes way beyond the use of the UN library, it now appears.

    As some are aware, the United Nations vigorously espouses worldwide ecumenism. Not just an ecumenism of the myriad christian denominations, but a uniting of ALL religions.

    This fits the UN globalist agenda.

    If you have been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for ANY length of time, you know the party line to the rank and file JW, that interfaith or ecumenism is anathema in the eyes of God's sole channel on earth.

    To set the stage for this shocking link, I would draw your attention to the July 1st, 1993 page 16 paragraph 17 under the sub-heading
    "Two other complaints made against Jehovah's Witnesses are that they refuse to take part in the ecumenical movement and that they engage in what is termed "aggressive proselytizing." Both of these reproaches were also flung at the early Christians. Christendom, with her Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant components, is undeniably a part of this world. Like Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses "are no part of this world." (John 17:14) How could they ally themselves through interfaith movements with religious organizations that promote unchristian conduct and beliefs?"
    Copyright 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

    YES, how could they????

    Yet here it is, note the web address:


    Click on Jehovah's Witnesses and it links right to the society's official web site.

    What is the Interfaith Center of New York?
    More importantly, what is the link to the UN?

    One of the center's objectives is:
    "We work to encourage and facilitate interfaith dialogue, collaborate with the United Nations on the integration of spiritual values into its daily activies, and are spearheading the international campaigns for peace and the environment."

    Folks, is there any doubt that Jehovah's Witnesses are a part of that old whore riding the back of the scarlet-colored wild beast? By their OWN words, they have condemned themselves!

    Let's please get this link out to as many people as possible.

    Any who have websites exposing the WT, feel free to use the link.


  • fodeja
    Well folks, this is big news!

    Huh? The "Interfaith Center of New York" puts a link to the WTS web site on their pages. Anyone can do that, even the Satanistic Swine-Sacrificing Sect of Fodeja the Great, without asking the WTS for permission.

    Is there any indication that the WTS is an affiliate of this Interfaith Center, except the fact that they put an HTML snippet pointing to on their site?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I think that bfore anyone goes running off in all directions with this, we should know whether the Jehovah's Witnesses are listed there AT THEIR REQUEST or because some well-intentioned but ill-informed third party decided to be "inclusive".

    Dino, would you mind looking into this and letting us know what you discover? Just contact them and ask "Do you include Jehovah's Witnesses on your list of Christian religions because they have asked to be included?"

  • Dino

    fodeja, please note the UN connection. I doubt very seriously that they could link without permission. It would certainly give a stong sense of impropriety. I could be wrong however. I invite your thoughts on the matter.


  • Dino

    I will do so!
    Thank you


  • fodeja
    It would certainly give a stong sense of impropriety.

    Hey, did you notice where you downloaded my profile pic from? ;-)

    I invite your thoughts on the matter.
    Well, I second Nathan's motion: ask them if you really think you're on to something interesting (I don't think so). There are hundreds, probably thousands of web sites with a hyperlink to and other religious groups.

    If this really turns out to be "big news", you can be ordained Pope of my private little sect. Free pork for a lifetime, and all the virgins you can carry.


  • SixofNine

    I guess I don't see this as much different, at least at first glance, than if Simon or Kent put a link to the official JW website on their sites in a "just to be fair" type fashion.

  • sf

    Oh Dino, read this about our "friend" Kofi:



    - Secretary-General,
    Kofi Annan
    13 September 2001
    hahahahaha, sorry kofi, that's just tooooo risky.

    Thumbs up on your "find".



  • hawkaw

    I gave them a call at 1-212-685-4242. I got no where with a usless Information officer

    However, there are others you may wish to call. I don't have the time. I know you probably know this but here is the following link to contact the staff.


    Oh you may notice the staff that deal with the United Nations may be helpful.


  • Dino

    Thanks all. I appreciate your patience. I have contacted them on this. What has been the impetus on this was the poster JEMIMAH. He/she
    stated there were links cached on the web concerning WT and the WCC.

    Please forgive my over-exuberance on this if it turns out to be a dud.

    I was not aware they could do that without their permission, especially in this touchy area.
    Six, I looked for a just to be fair comparison, but didnt see any.
    Also there are other christian faiths not mentioned.
    as soon as I get confirmation, I will post.


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