Information Control & Thought Control - Newbies Check Steve Hassan Out !

by flipper 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I've posted threads on this last year but due to many new members exiting the Jehovah's Witness cult and joining this board - I felt it's important to share Steve Hassan's information briefly to bring interest and attention to what former members in the witnesses were and are experiencing. Knowledge is power and it is important.

    On page 49 in Steve Hassan's book " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves " it states " A common form of information control involves blocking out any critical or negative points of view. Some cults simply forbid members to have access to any non-cult material - such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the Internet - while others have more subtle ways of controlling information. For example , to restrict access on the Internet , Scientology provides software to members that automatically blocks access to sites by former members and critics. "

    Also he continues, " The control of information also includes the supervision of members' interactions with all other people . People are expected to spy on one another and report improper activities or comments , such as criticsm of the leader, doctrine, or organization. This information, as well as anything divulged by a member during confession , is often used against people to manipulate them. " Hassan continues, " Looking at a group's attitude towards information is the fastest way to evaluate whether it is using destructive mind control. A legitimate organization will allow people the freedom to think for themselves , read whatever they like , and talk to whomever they choose in order to arrive at their own decisions , whereas a destructive mind control group will want to do the thinking for people. "

    In regards to thought control Hassan states , " Many cults have their own " loaded language " or coded symbols and expressions , including buzz words, cliches, and trite platitudes that are used to shut down the thought process. " Hassan continues, " Cult members are taught that the leader is always correct, and are not allowed to doubt or question him or her. Thoughts that go along with the leader are good. Any other thoughts need to be pushed down by chanting , praying, or speaking in tongues. Any negative feelings are always blamed on the individual. "

    So - For anybody who has left the Jehovah's Witnesses - Any of these thoughts sound familiar ? It really helps us as ex-witnesses to see how we were being manipulated and controlled and how ANY who are still inside the witnesses or other mind controlled cults are STILL being controlled ! As always - I look forward to and invite all your responses ! Take care all- And continue cherishing your freedom of speech and thinking with your open minds. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I would second flipper's recommendation. What totally blew me away was when I found out that Steve Hassan wrote that book without any knowledge about Jehovah's Witnesses. When he was first told about the practices JWs employed he was shocked because he didn't think they were a cult. They are very good at putting a convincing front on.

    Once he learned more about them, he of course recognised all the hallmarks.

  • leavingwt

    Hassan's first book, Combatting Cult Mind Control, was particularly helpful to me. I was surprised to learn how many different groups are so similar to the Witnesses. Many of these other groups even refer to themselves as "The Truth". All of these groups indoctrinate their members to fear the "outside" world. They teach an "Us vs. Them" worldview. Anything outside the group is demonic or evil, etc.

  • warmasasunned

    its so true, the first thing i was taught when i came into the jw`s

    "we dont refer to ourselves as a religion but as the truth"

    and when ever i made the mistake and said it was a religion i was rebuked and told not always kindly

    "its the truth not a religion"

    mind games!!!

  • flipper

    MICKEY MOUSE- It is very true- Jehovah's Witnesses are good about keeping up a front to appear respectable . But in reality they are a mind control cult.

    LEAVING WT- It is creepy isn't it that other religious cults refer to themselves as " the truth " ? It is an " us against them " attitude . Witnesses against Satan and his agents. Weird.

    WARMASASUNNED- So you were told by witnesses to say they are " the truth and not a religion " ? Well I kind of agree except for the " truth " part. I'd call the witnesses " a cult " not a " religion ". No truth in it at all

  • mindmelda

    No wonder I left! I never did obey that order from the WTS about what to read, watch and who to talk to. I was a terrible JW. I never converted anyone either.

    What I mainly hated was most of the other JWs constantly criticizing me for being "weak" and having a "lack of faith". I wasn't weak...I was normally skeptical. But, it hurts to be treated contemptuously by people who claim to love you.

  • reniaa

    I would be interesting in anyone applying steve's book to Paul's latters in the bible of how first century christians practised their faith. Reniaa

  • AllTimeJeff

    Reniaa, that would make Paul's religion a cult too. It's amazing what happens when you add 2+2.

  • flipper

    MINDMELDA- I was an independent JW as well. I totally understand what you are saying. I didn't like being controlled at all- still can't stand it . I too was called " weak " at times- but I think people were jealous of my critical thinking mind. I questioned things- and it bothered them.

    RENIAA- Don't worry sis. Jesus loves you too- so does Steve Hassan. Anyone can break free of cult mind control.

    ALLTIMEJEFF- Personally - I think ALL religions are cults. But- that's just my opinion

  • AllTimeJeff


    I don't disagree with you in principle. These days, liberal thinking has become prevalent enough that the major religions have had no choice but to change. Their size and diversity also demands this. I think this drops them from the cult list, although one could persuasively argue that the 18th century and back models were very cultlike.

    JW's don't suffer from the burden of liberal thinking or large size.

    As for Paul, well, all I can say is that anyone can read his letters and draw their own conclusion. I have, and it ain't favorable...

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