Greed Blinds JW Elder To Planned Suicide

by MadApostate 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ianao

    MadA: Don't worry about Mommy. It's those hormones again. She just had a bad day.

  • LDH

    In case you all didn't know, Mad is the resident conscience of the board. If he thinks something is important, it must be so.

    Conversely, if he decides your input isn't worth the pixel it's written on, he'll happily rail away at how stupid you are.

    This elder did the exact same thing any representative from any charity would have done. Accepted the donation.

    What makes this newsworthy, IMHO, is that JW's aren't supposed to be like any other charity. Therefore, we expect to see them display compassion, when in reality, they're just a cog in the wheel of big bucks.

    Case closed.

    PS as an aside, If I went into a 'room filled with smoke' (and we all know how big the rooms are at the Travel Inn), you'd better believe I'd be getting the documents signed and leaving, as I have no interest in second hand smoke.

    Kicks ass class

  • Seeker4

    Gee, with a post titled: "Re: Greed Blinds JW Elder To Planned Suicide" - why would I think you were blaming the elder??

    Yeah, and you are so right that it's a simple matter to ID a determined person on the verge of suicide. That's why there are so few suicides in the world - every worldy person with an IQ of 99 and up is a walking suicide expert.

    Get real.

  • MadApostate


    Thanks for letting us know that your original faulty interpretation was not simply a result of poor comprehension skills, but required a large dose of stupidity also.

  • paulvarjak

    My 2 cents. I worked with George Norris at conventions and also during the two years I spent living onsite during the construction of the Denton Assembly Hall. He was one of the few truly good men I ever had the opportunity to work with. Good as gold. I often saw him take it on the chin from the construction despots but he always cared for his assignment and those in his department lovingly.

    Knowing him, I'm sure he called WT and followed thier instructions to the letter.

  • MadApostate


    Thanks for the firsthand knowledge about the Elder. Sounds lke you live in the area. Were there any followup articles or TV coverage?

  • Dino

    Hello Paul.

    I wonder if I know you.

    I spent many an hour at the Denton assembly hall.

    I didnt put the connection together with George Norris, (I dont know many from the Waco area). Didnt George work with the electricians?

    Anyway, good to meet you.


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