Greed Blinds JW Elder To Planned Suicide

by MadApostate 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate


    Who's blaming the suicide on the Elder's greed?

    Before you accuse others of misreading something, stop and look in the mirror!

    OBVIOUSLY, I'm questioning whether the Elder's greed and desire to totally please Brooklyn blinded him to circumstances which any worldly person with an IQ of 99 could have interpreted as a "possible" scenario leading to suicide.

    Yeh, I know, I'm "reaching".

    Let's see:

    Manhattan couple drives to Waco Texas, lives in fleabag motel for several weeks, calls WTS headquarters to donate possessions, including mens of transportation, etc, etc.

    Boy, I wish I was as intelligent as Nab and UR so that things like this wouldn't send up red flags to me.

  • Naeblis

    I hear that all the time.

  • mommy

    That vein is popping out on your head again. Who says it was a flea bag hotel? Didn't it say that their apartment was still dusty from the tragedy in Manhattan? Perhaps they took a vacation to Texas and were staying in a hotel until their apartment was ready. And also if someone has a terminal illness, it is not at all odd they get their affairs in order.

    Reaching is putting it nicely.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • MadApostate


    While I have no personal knowledge of the specific "Travel Inn" in Waco, I'll bet a big one that my accessment that it is a "fleabag" is right on the money.

    Uhhh, read the story... they checked in on 9-9...

    Why try to justify their "story", when their suicide speaks for itself.

    Again, as usual, your head is up your arse.

  • mommy

    It is obvious you are not a happy person. You spend so much time putting other people down, that I wonder just how much self esteem you yourself have.

    Btw, better be careful, I will put a call into the "elite" and have this thread stopped! haha You never did answer my question on that other thread, you made accusations with not one ioata of evidence. Funny you expect others to do that, yet when it comes to you, well are you special or something?

    Also, I can't even bend over to tie my shoes, let alone stick my head there

    Merry Merry, and please do try to be happy!

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • joelbear


    For a look at the Travel Inn in Waco Texas. Yeah, looks like a real luxury resort getaway. I'd like a room directly under the power lines if possible please.


  • MadApostate


    Thanks for the photo post.

    Check out the "This Exit" sign.

    AND, as anyone who does any amount of traveling knows, the true quality of a motel is generally far less than what most people would assume from any photos they pub in directories or on the web. That photo was probably taken the last time HinduHarry painted the exterior.

    Mommy: I reserve the right to pick and choose which "flamebaiting" posts of yours, JT, and the other members of the AlanF/Farkel fanclub post that I respond to.

    Don't like it?

    Press your nose up against your monitor and see if you see anyone that cares.

  • willy_think

    "extremely odd scenario".......i couldn't agree more.

    The Great and Powerful Oz

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • joelbear

    This thread is an interesting example of how to discuss the subject versus using inflammatory language regarding the poster.

    One makes for a pleasant posting environment. The other does not.


  • mommy

    Clarification time. I do not care what you think of me. The reason I am insistent that you answer the question is because it is so preposperous and shows the lengths you will go to in order to make yourself feel like you are right. It is not flamebaiting. It is asking you to back up your accusations. You accuse someone of something, yet can't back them up, so therefore the accusation is false. You were wrong and can't admit it.

    I have seen you border on harrasement with RR using the old "bttt" and following him around to other threads demanding he answer your questions you had. Why is this any different? At least I have better things to do with my time, then chase another poster all over the board. I recall that RR was able to come back and show you the error of your ways, yet you cannot. You are wrong in your statements you have made. I will spare others the old cut and paste, you know what I am talking about. Funny you can label this as flamebaiting yet what would you call it when you did it to RR?

    As far as you and your inflated self, I have no use for you or any of your posts. You cannot back up your claims you have made in the past, and therefore your credibility is zilch in my book. Look at the title of this thread for gush sakes.

    I would think it would be a wonderful trait to have to be able to piece together the last few months of someones life just from an article in the paper. Just love the stereotypes you use as well, shows just how narrow minded you are. >>> That photo was probably taken the last time HinduHarry painted the exterior. <<< Care to back up that? I didn't think so, I forgot you are always right? Right?
    wendy(bowing out now, this is ridiculous)

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

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